TitleExtracts Promote Resilience against Age-Related and Stress-Induced Behavioral Phenotypes in a Possible Role of Other Compounds besides Withanolides.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsHolvoet H, Long DM, Law A, McClure C, Choi J, Yang L, Marney L, Poeck B, Strauss R, Stevens JF, Maier CS, Soumyanath A, Kretzschmar D
Date Published2022 Sep 22
KeywordsAged, Animals, Drosophila melanogaster, Ethanol, Humans, Phenotype, Plant Extracts, Water, Withania, Withanolides

(WS) extracts have been used in traditional medicine for millennia to promote healthy aging and wellbeing. WS is now also widely used in Western countries as a nutritional supplement to extend healthspan and increase resilience against age-related changes, including sleep deficits and depression. Although human trials have supported beneficial effects of WS, the study designs have varied widely. Plant material is intrinsically complex, and extracts vary widely with the origin of the plant material and the extraction method. Commercial supplements can contain various other ingredients, and the characteristics of the study population can also be varied. To perform maximally controlled experiments, we used plant extracts analyzed for their composition and stability. We then tested these extracts in an inbred line to minimize effects of the genetic background in a controlled environment. We found that a water extract of WS (WSAq) was most potent in improving physical fitness, while an ethanol extract (WSE) improved sleep in aged flies. Both extracts provided resilience against stress-induced behavioral changes. WSE contained higher levels of withanolides, which have been proposed to be active ingredients, than WSAq. Therefore, withanolides may mediate the sleep improvement, whereas so-far-unknown ingredients enriched in WSAq likely mediate the effects on fitness and stress-related behavior.

Alternate JournalNutrients
PubMed ID36235577
PubMed Central IDPMC9573261
Grant ListU19 AT010829 / AT / NCCIH NIH HHS / United States
S10 OD026922 / OD / NIH HHS / United States
T32 AT002688 / AT / NCCIH NIH HHS / United States
U19AT010829 / AT / NCCIH NIH HHS / United States
STR590/7-1 / / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft /