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Madeen E, Siddens LK, Uesugi S, McQuistan T, Corley RA, Smith J, Waters KM, Tilton SC, Anderson KA, Ognibene T et al..  2019.  Toxicokinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in humans: Extensive metabolism as determined by UPLC-accelerator mass spectrometry following oral micro-dosing.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 364:97-105.
Bhattacharya N, Ganguli-Indra G, Indra AK.  2019.  Transcriptional control and transcriptomic analysis of lipid metabolism in skin barrier formation and atopic dermatitis (AD).. Expert Rev Proteomics. 16(8):627-645.
Axton ER, Beaver LM, St Mary L, Truong L, Logan CR, Spagnoli S, Prater MC, Keller RM, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Ehrlicher SE et al..  2019.  Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish.. J Nutr. 149(12):2120-2132.
Axton ER, Beaver LM, St Mary L, Truong L, Logan CR, Spagnoli S, Prater MC, Keller RM, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Ehrlicher SE et al..  2019.  Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish.. J Nutr. 149(12):2120-2132.
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Traber MG, Leonard SW, Ebenuwa I, Violet P-C, Wang Y, Niyyati M, Padayatty S, Tu H, Courville A, Bernstein S et al..  2019.  Vitamin E absorption and kinetics in healthy women, as modulated by food and by fat, studied using 2 deuterium-labeled α-tocopherols in a 3-phase crossover design.. Am J Clin Nutr. 110(5):1148-1167.
Traber MG, Leonard SW, Ebenuwa I, Violet P-C, Wang Y, Niyyati M, Padayatty S, Tu H, Courville A, Bernstein S et al..  2019.  Vitamin E absorption and kinetics in healthy women, as modulated by food and by fat, studied using 2 deuterium-labeled α-tocopherols in a 3-phase crossover design.. Am J Clin Nutr. 110(5):1148-1167.
Huang R, Tang M, Huang C-H, Chao X-J, Yan Z-Y, Shao J, Zhu B-Z.  2019.  What Are the Major Physicochemical Factors in Determining the Preferential Nuclear Uptake of the DNA "Light-Switching" Ru(II)-Polypyridyl Complex in Live Cells via Ion-Pairing with Chlorophenolate Counter-Anions? J Phys Chem Lett. 10(14):4123-4128.
Cao AL, Beaver LM, Wong CP, Hudson LG, Ho E.  2019.  Zinc deficiency alters the susceptibility of pancreatic beta cells (INS-1) to arsenic exposure.. Biometals. 32(6):845-859.
Wong CP, Dashner-Titus EJ, Alvarez SC, Chase TT, Hudson LG, Ho E.  2019.  Zinc Deficiency and Arsenic Exposure Can Act Both Independently or Cooperatively to Affect Zinc Status, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Response.. Biol Trace Elem Res.
Muchiri RN, van Breemen RB.  2020.  Affinity selection-mass spectrometry for the discovery of pharmacologically active compounds from combinatorial libraries and natural products.. J Mass Spectrom. :e4647.
Sunchu B, Riordan RT, Yu Z, Almog I, Dimas-Munoz J, Drake AC, Perez VI.  2020.  Aggresome-Like Formation Promotes Resistance to Proteotoxicity in Cells from Long-Lived Species.. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 75(8):1439-1447.
Wagener BM, Anjum N, Evans C, Brandon A, Honavar J, Creighton J, Traber MG, Stuart RL, Stevens T, Pittet J-F.  2020.  Alpha-tocopherol Attenuates the Severity of -induced Pneumonia.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.
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van Breemen RB, Hathout Y, Fabris D.  2020.  Catherine Fenselau: A distinguished career dedicated to biomedical mass spectrometry.. J Mass Spectrom. 55(2):e4500.
Chang Y, Huynh CThanh Thu, Bastin KM, Rivera BN, Siddens LK, Tilton SC.  2020.  Classifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by carcinogenic potency using in vitro biosignatures.. Toxicol In Vitro. 69:104991.
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Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Morgenstern D, Kumar-Deshmukh F, Polkinghorn C, Quintyn RS, Vasil'ev YV, Beckman JS, Elad N, Wysocki VH et al..  2020.  Comparative Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome Ortholog Protein Complexes by Native Mass Spectrometry.. ACS Cent Sci. 6(4):573-588.
Song Z, Pearce MC, Jiang Y, Yang L, Goodall C, Miranda CL, Milovancev M, Bracha S, Kolluri SK, Maier CS.  2020.  Delineation of hypoxia-induced proteome shifts in osteosarcoma cells with different metastatic propensities.. Sci Rep. 10(1):727.
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Yang W, Zhang L, Xiao D, Feng R, Wang W, Pan S, Zhao Y, Zhao L, Frenking G, Wang X.  2020.  A diradical based on odd-electron σ-bonds.. Nat Commun. 11(1):3441.
Shaw JB, Liu W, Ev YVVasil, Bracken CC, Malhan N, Guthals A, Beckman JS, Voinov VG.  2020.  Direct Determination of Antibody Chain Pairing by Top-down and Middle-down Mass Spectrometry Using Electron Capture Dissociation and Ultraviolet Photodissociation.. Anal Chem. 92(1):766-773.
Shaw JB, Liu W, Ev YVVasil, Bracken CC, Malhan N, Guthals A, Beckman JS, Voinov VG.  2020.  Direct Determination of Antibody Chain Pairing by Top-down and Middle-down Mass Spectrometry Using Electron Capture Dissociation and Ultraviolet Photodissociation.. Anal Chem. 92(1):766-773.
