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Keith DJ, Butler JA, Bemer B, Dixon B, Johnson S, Garrard M, Sudakin DL, J Christensen M, Pereira C, Hagen TM.  2012.  Age and gender dependent bioavailability of R- and R,S-α-lipoic acid: a pilot study.. Pharmacol Res. 66(3):199-206.
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Blumberg JB, Frei B, Fulgoni VL, Weaver CM, Zeisel SH.  2017.  Contribution of Dietary Supplements to Nutritional Adequacy in Various Adult Age Groups.. Nutrients. 9(12)
Khorani M, Bobe G, Matthews DG, Magana AAlcazar, Caruso M, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Soumyanath A, Maier CS.  2022.  The Impact of the hAPP695SW Transgene and Associated Amyloid-β Accumulation on Murine Hippocampal Biochemical Pathways.. J Alzheimers Dis. 85(4):1601-1619.
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Thomas NO, Shay KP, Kelley AR, Butler JA, Hagen TM.  2016.  Glutathione maintenance mitigates age-related susceptibility to redox cycling agents.. Redox Biol. 10:45-52.
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Suh JH, Heath S-H, Hagen TM.  2003.  Two subpopulations of mitochondria in the aging rat heart display heterogenous levels of oxidative stress.. Free Radic Biol Med. 35(9):1064-72.
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Shay KPetersen, Hagen TM.  2009.  Age-associated impairment of Akt phosphorylation in primary rat hepatocytes is remediated by alpha-lipoic acid through PI3 kinase, PTEN, and PP2A.. Biogerontology. 10(4):443-56.
Blumberg JB, Frei B, Fulgoni VL, Weaver CM, Zeisel SH.  2017.  Contribution of Dietary Supplements to Nutritional Adequacy in Various Adult Age Groups.. Nutrients. 9(12)
Moreau R, Heath S-HD, Doneanu CE, Harris RA, Hagen TM.  2004.  Age-related compensatory activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in rat heart.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 325(1):48-58.
Niedzwiecki A, Reveillaud I, Fleming JE.  1992.  Changes in superoxide dismutase and catalase in aging heat-shocked Drosophila.. Free Radic Res Commun. 17(6):355-67.
Moreau R, Nguyen BT, Doneanu CE, Hagen TM.  2005.  Reversal by aminoguanidine of the age-related increase in glycoxidation and lipoxidation in the cardiovascular system of Fischer 344 rats.. Biochem Pharmacol. 69(1):29-40.
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Suh JH, Shigeno ET, Morrow JD, Cox B, Rocha AE, Frei B, Hagen TM.  2001.  Oxidative stress in the aging rat heart is reversed by dietary supplementation with (R)-(alpha)-lipoic acid.. FASEB J. 15(3):700-6.
Smith EJ, Shay KP, Thomas NO, Butler JA, Finlay LF, Hagen TM.  2015.  Age-related loss of hepatic Nrf2 protein homeostasis: Potential role for heightened expression of miR-146a.. Free Radic Biol Med. 89:1184-91.
Michels AJ, Joisher N, Hagen TM.  2003.  Age-related decline of sodium-dependent ascorbic acid transport in isolated rat hepatocytes.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 410(1):112-20.
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Smith AR, Visioli F, Frei B, Hagen TM.  2008.  Lipoic acid significantly restores, in rats, the age-related decline in vasomotion.. Br J Pharmacol. 153(8):1615-22.
