TitleIncreased static and decreased capacity oxidation-reduction potentials in plasma are predictive of metabolic syndrome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBobe G, Cobb TJ, Leonard SW, Aponso S, Bahro CB, Koley D, Mah E, Bruno RS, Traber MG
JournalRedox Biol
Date Published2017 08
KeywordsAdult, Biomarkers, C-Reactive Protein, Cholesterol, HDL, Cross-Over Studies, Double-Blind Method, Female, Humans, Interleukin-10, Lipoproteins, LDL, Male, Metabolic Syndrome, Oxidation-Reduction, Triglycerides, Young Adult

Electric conductivity in plasma is the balance between oxidized and reduced molecules (static Oxidation-Reduction Potential, sORP) and the amount of readily oxidizable molecules (capacity ORP, cORP). Adults with metabolic syndrome (MetS) have increased inflammation, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress; therefore, participants with MetS were hypothesized to have higher plasma sORP and lower cORP than those measures in healthy adults. Heparin-anticoagulated plasma from healthy and age- and gender-matched individuals with MetS (BMI: 22.6±0.7 vs. 37.7±3.0kg/m, respectively) was collected in the fasting state at 0, 24, 48, and 72h during each of four separate interventions in a clinical trial. At baseline, plasma sORP was 12.4% higher (P=0.007), while cORP values were less than half (41.1%, P=0.001) in those with MetS compared with healthy participants. An sORP >140mV detected MetS with 90% sensitivity and 80% specificity, while a cORP <0.50μC detected MetS with 80% sensitivity and 100% specificity. sORP and cORP values in participants with MetS compared with healthy adults were linked to differences in waist circumference and BMI; in plasma markers of dyslipidemia (triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, and oxidized LDL-cholesterol) and inflammation (C-reactive protein, IL-10); as well as with urinary markers of lipid peroxidation (e.g., 2,3-dinor-5,6-dihydro-8-iso-PGF; 2,3-dinor-8-iso-PGF). Higher sORP values are a robust indicator of metabolic stress, while lower cORP values act as an indicator of decreased metabolic resilience.

Alternate JournalRedox Biol
PubMed ID28222379
PubMed Central IDPMC5318349
Grant ListR01 DK081761 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR001070 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States