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McQuistan TJ, Simonich MT, M Pratt M, Pereira CB, Hendricks JD, Dashwood RH, Williams DE, Bailey GS.  2012.  Cancer chemoprevention by dietary chlorophylls: a 12,000-animal dose-dose matrix biomarker and tumor study.. Food Chem Toxicol. 50(2):341-52.
McQuistan TJ, Simonich MT, M Pratt M, Pereira CB, Hendricks JD, Dashwood RH, Williams DE, Bailey GS.  2012.  Cancer chemoprevention by dietary chlorophylls: a 12,000-animal dose-dose matrix biomarker and tumor study.. Food Chem Toxicol. 50(2):341-52.
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Reitsma SE, Lakshmanan HHara Sudha, Johnson J, Pang J, Parra-Izquierdo I, Melrose AR, Choi J, Anderson DEJ, Hinds MT, Stevens JFrederik et al..  2022.  Chronic edible dosing of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in nonhuman primates reduces systemic platelet activity and function.. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 322(3):C370-C381.
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Dolman L, Page A, Babb L, Freimuth RR, Arachchi H, Bizon C, Brush M, Fiume M, Haendel M, Hansen DP et al..  2018.  ClinGen advancing genomic data-sharing standards as a GA4GH driver project.. Hum Mutat. 39(11):1686-1689.
Dolman L, Page A, Babb L, Freimuth RR, Arachchi H, Bizon C, Brush M, Fiume M, Haendel M, Hansen DP et al..  2018.  ClinGen advancing genomic data-sharing standards as a GA4GH driver project.. Hum Mutat. 39(11):1686-1689.
Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Morgenstern D, Kumar-Deshmukh F, Polkinghorn C, Quintyn RS, Vasil'ev YV, Beckman JS, Elad N, Wysocki VH et al..  2020.  Comparative Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome Ortholog Protein Complexes by Native Mass Spectrometry.. ACS Cent Sci. 6(4):573-588.
Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Morgenstern D, Kumar-Deshmukh F, Polkinghorn C, Quintyn RS, Vasil'ev YV, Beckman JS, Elad N, Wysocki VH et al..  2020.  Comparative Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome Ortholog Protein Complexes by Native Mass Spectrometry.. ACS Cent Sci. 6(4):573-588.
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