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Journal Article
Haendel MA, Tilton F, Bailey GS, Tanguay RL.  2004.  Developmental toxicity of the dithiocarbamate pesticide sodium metam in zebrafish.. Toxicol Sci. 81(2):390-400.
McDougall MQ, Choi J, Stevens JF, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Traber MG.  2016.  Lipidomics and H2(18)O labeling techniques reveal increased remodeling of DHA-containing membrane phospholipids associated with abnormal locomotor responses in α-tocopherol deficient zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos.. Redox Biol. 8:165-74.
McDougall MQ, Choi J, Stevens JF, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Traber MG.  2016.  Lipidomics and H2(18)O labeling techniques reveal increased remodeling of DHA-containing membrane phospholipids associated with abnormal locomotor responses in α-tocopherol deficient zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos.. Redox Biol. 8:165-74.
Elie MR, Choi J, Nkrumah-Elie YM, Gonnerman GD, Stevens JF, Tanguay RL.  2015.  Metabolomic analysis to define and compare the effects of PAHs and oxygenated PAHs in developing zebrafish.. Environ Res. 140:502-10.
Axton ER, Beaver LM, St Mary L, Truong L, Logan CR, Spagnoli S, Prater MC, Keller RM, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Ehrlicher SE et al..  2019.  Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish.. J Nutr. 149(12):2120-2132.
Kirkwood JS, Lebold KM, Miranda CL, Wright CL, Miller GW, Tanguay RL, Barton CL, Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2012.  Vitamin C deficiency activates the purine nucleotide cycle in zebrafish.. J Biol Chem. 287(6):3833-41.