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Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Morgenstern D, Kumar-Deshmukh F, Polkinghorn C, Quintyn RS, Vasil'ev YV, Beckman JS, Elad N, Wysocki VH et al..  2020.  Comparative Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome Ortholog Protein Complexes by Native Mass Spectrometry.. ACS Cent Sci. 6(4):573-588.
Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Morgenstern D, Kumar-Deshmukh F, Polkinghorn C, Quintyn RS, Vasil'ev YV, Beckman JS, Elad N, Wysocki VH et al..  2020.  Comparative Structural Analysis of 20S Proteasome Ortholog Protein Complexes by Native Mass Spectrometry.. ACS Cent Sci. 6(4):573-588.
Shaw JB, Liu W, Ev YVVasil, Bracken CC, Malhan N, Guthals A, Beckman JS, Voinov VG.  2020.  Direct Determination of Antibody Chain Pairing by Top-down and Middle-down Mass Spectrometry Using Electron Capture Dissociation and Ultraviolet Photodissociation.. Anal Chem. 92(1):766-773.
Shaw JB, Liu W, Ev YVVasil, Bracken CC, Malhan N, Guthals A, Beckman JS, Voinov VG.  2020.  Direct Determination of Antibody Chain Pairing by Top-down and Middle-down Mass Spectrometry Using Electron Capture Dissociation and Ultraviolet Photodissociation.. Anal Chem. 92(1):766-773.
Trias E, Kovacs M, King PH, Si Y, Kwon Y, Varela V, Ibarburu S, Moura IC, Hermine O, Beckman JS et al..  2020.  Schwann cells orchestrate peripheral nerve inflammation through the expression of CSF1, IL-34, and SCF in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. Glia. 68(6):1165-1181.
Williams JP, Morrison LJ, Brown JM, Beckman JS, Voinov VG, Lermyte F.  2020.  Top-Down Characterization of Denatured Proteins and Native Protein Complexes Using Electron Capture Dissociation Implemented within a Modified Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometer.. Anal Chem.
Williams JP, Morrison LJ, Brown JM, Beckman JS, Voinov VG, Lermyte F.  2020.  Top-Down Characterization of Denatured Proteins and Native Protein Complexes Using Electron Capture Dissociation Implemented within a Modified Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometer.. Anal Chem. 92(5):3674-3681.
