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Webber LC, Anderson LN, Paraiso IL, Metz TO, Bradley R, Stevens JF, Wright AT.  2023.  Affinity- and activity-based probes synthesized from structurally diverse hops-derived xanthohumol flavonoids reveal highly varied protein profiling in .. RSC Adv. 13(42):29324-29331.
Speers AB, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Feryn A, Matthews DG, Lichtenberg T, Caruso M, Wright KM, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Maier CS et al..  2021.  Alters Metabolic Pathways Associated With Alzheimer's Disease in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of -Amyloid Accumulation.. Front Pharmacol. 12:788312.
Johnson LA, Zuloaga KL, Kugelman TL, Mader KS, Morré JT, Zuloaga DG, Weber S, Marzulla T, Mulford A, Button D et al..  2016.  Amelioration of Metabolic Syndrome-Associated Cognitive Impairments in Mice via a Reduction in Dietary Fat Content or Infusion of Non-Diabetic Plasma.. EBioMedicine. 3:26-42.
Logan IE, Miranda CL, Lowry MB, Maier CS, Stevens JF, Gombart AF.  2019.  Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Activity of Xanthohumol and Its Non-Estrogenic Derivatives in Colon and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines.. Int J Mol Sci. 20(5)
Kundu P, Holden S, Paraiso IL, Sudhakar R, McQuesten C, Choi J, Miranda CL, Maier CS, Bobe G, Stevens JF et al..  2022.  ApoE isoform-dependent effects of xanthohumol on high fat diet-induced cognitive impairments and hippocampal metabolic pathways.. Front Pharmacol. 13:954980.
Johnson LA, Torres ERuth S, Impey S, Stevens JF, Raber J.  2017.  Apolipoprotein E4 and Insulin Resistance Interact to Impair Cognition and Alter the Epigenome and Metabolome.. Sci Rep. 7:43701.
Legette LCL, Reed RL, Murty L, Maier CS, Stevens JF.  2013.  Application of Paper Strip Extraction in Combination with LC-MS-MS in Pharmacokinetics.. Spectroscopy (Springf). 39(10):s18-s25.
Miranda CL, Reed RL, Kuiper HC, Alber S, Stevens JF.  2009.  Ascorbic acid promotes detoxification and elimination of 4-hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal in human monocytic THP-1 cells.. Chem Res Toxicol. 22(5):863-74.
Magana AAlcazar, Kamimura N, Soumyanath A, Stevens JF, Maier CS.  2021.  Caffeoylquinic acids: Chemistry, biosynthesis, occurrence, analytical challenges, and bioactivity.. Plant J.
Gray NE, Morré J, Kelley J, Maier CS, Stevens JF, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.  2014.  Caffeoylquinic acids in Centella asiatica protect against amyloid-β toxicity.. J Alzheimers Dis. 40(2):359-73.
Matthews DG, Caruso M, Magana AAlcazar, Wright KM, Maier CS, Stevens JF, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.  2020.  Caffeoylquinic Acids in Reverse Cognitive Deficits in Male 5XFAD Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice.. Nutrients. 12(11)
Stevens JF, Maier CS.  2016.  The Chemistry of Gut Microbial Metabolism of Polyphenols.. Phytochem Rev. 15(3):425-444.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Choi J, Wong CP, Jiang D, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF, Ho E.  2021.  Composition of the Gut Microbiome Influences Production of Sulforaphane-Nitrile and Iberin-Nitrile from Glucosinolates in Broccoli Sprouts.. Nutrients. 13(9)
Choi J, Yin T, Shinozaki K, Lampe JW, Stevens JF, Becker LB, Kim J.  2018.  Comprehensive analysis of phospholipids in the brain, heart, kidney, and liver: brain phospholipids are least enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids.. Mol Cell Biochem. 442(1-2):187-201.
Brown KS, Jamieson P, Wu W, Vaswani A, Magana AAlcazar, Choi J, Mattio LM, Cheong PHa-Yeon, Nelson D, Reardon PN et al..  2022.  Computation-Assisted Identification of Bioactive Compounds in Botanical Extracts: A Case Study of Anti-Inflammatory Natural Products from Hops.. Antioxidants (Basel). 11(7)
Yang L, Broderick D, Campbell Y, Gombart AF, Stevens JF, Jiang Y, Hsu VL, Bisson WH, Maier CS.  2016.  Conformational modulation of the farnesoid X receptor by prenylflavonoids: Insights from hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), fluorescence titration and molecular docking studies.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1864(12):1667-1677.
Kesinger NG, Stevens JF.  2009.  Covalent interaction of ascorbic acid with natural products.. Phytochemistry. 70(17-18):1930-9.
