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Kundu P, Holden S, Paraiso IL, Sudhakar R, McQuesten C, Choi J, Miranda CL, Maier CS, Bobe G, Stevens JF et al..  2022.  ApoE isoform-dependent effects of xanthohumol on high fat diet-induced cognitive impairments and hippocampal metabolic pathways.. Front Pharmacol. 13:954980.
Brown KS, Jamieson P, Wu W, Vaswani A, Magana AAlcazar, Choi J, Mattio LM, Cheong PHa-Yeon, Nelson D, Reardon PN et al..  2022.  Computation-Assisted Identification of Bioactive Compounds in Botanical Extracts: A Case Study of Anti-Inflammatory Natural Products from Hops.. Antioxidants (Basel). 11(7)
Holvoet H, Long DM, Law A, McClure C, Choi J, Yang L, Marney L, Poeck B, Strauss R, Stevens JF et al..  2022.  Extracts Promote Resilience against Age-Related and Stress-Induced Behavioral Phenotypes in a Possible Role of Other Compounds besides Withanolides.. Nutrients. 14(19)
Bah TM, Allen EM, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Perez R, Zarnegarnia Y, Davis CM, Bloom MB, Magana AA, Choi J, Bobe G et al..  2022.  GPR39 Deficiency Impairs Memory and Alters Oxylipins and Inflammatory Cytokines Without Affecting Cerebral Blood Flow in a High-Fat Diet Mouse Model of Cognitive Impairment.. Front Cell Neurosci. 16:893030.
Khorani M, Bobe G, Matthews DG, Magana AAlcazar, Caruso M, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Soumyanath A, Maier CS.  2022.  The Impact of the hAPP695SW Transgene and Associated Amyloid-β Accumulation on Murine Hippocampal Biochemical Pathways.. J Alzheimers Dis. 85(4):1601-1619.
Wright KM, Bollen M, David J, Speers AB, Brandes MS, Gray NE, Magana AAlcazar, McClure C, Stevens JF, Maier CS et al..  2022.  Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Key Components of a Standardized Product in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: A Phase 1, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial.. Antioxidants (Basel). 11(2)
Cabey K, Long DM, Law A, Gray NE, McClure C, Caruso M, Lak P, Wright KM, Stevens JF, Maier CS et al..  2022.   Withania somnifera and Centella asiatica Extracts Ameliorate Behavioral Deficits in an In Vivo Drosophila melanogaster Model of Oxidative Stress.. Antioxidants (Basel). 11(1)
Kundu P, Paraiso IL, Choi J, Miranda CL, Kioussi C, Maier CS, Bobe G, Stevens JF, Raber J.  2022.  Xanthohumol improves cognition in farnesoid X receptor-deficient mice on a high-fat diet.. Dis Model Mech. 15(11)
Speers AB, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Feryn A, Matthews DG, Lichtenberg T, Caruso M, Wright KM, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Maier CS et al..  2021.  Alters Metabolic Pathways Associated With Alzheimer's Disease in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of -Amyloid Accumulation.. Front Pharmacol. 12:788312.
Magana AAlcazar, Kamimura N, Soumyanath A, Stevens JF, Maier CS.  2021.  Caffeoylquinic acids: Chemistry, biosynthesis, occurrence, analytical challenges, and bioactivity.. Plant J.
Vaswani A, Magana AAlcazar, Zimmermann E, Hasan W, Raman J, Maier CS.  2021.  Comparative liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry lipidomics analysis of macaque heart tissue flash-frozen or embedded in optimal cutting temperature polymer (OCT): Practical considerations.. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 35(18):e9155.
Wright KM, Mcferrin J, Magana AAlcazar, Roberts J, Caruso M, Kretzschmar D, Stevens JF, Maier CS, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.  2021.  Developing a Rational, Optimized Product of for Examination in Clinical Trials: Real World Challenges.. Front Nutr. 8:799137.
Lindner JR, Davidson BP, Song Z, Maier CS, Minnier J, Stevens JFrederick, Ferencik M, Taqui S, J Belcik T, Moccetti F et al..  2021.  Plasma Lipidomic Patterns in Patients with Symptomatic Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction.. Metabolites. 11(10)
Zhang Y, Bobe G, Miranda CL, Lowry MB, Hsu VL, Löhr CV, Wong CP, Jump DB, Robinson MM, Sharpton TJ et al..  2021.  Tetrahydroxanthohumol, a xanthohumol derivative, attenuates high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis by antagonizing PPARγ.. Elife. 10
Paraiso IL, Mattio LM, Magana AAlcazar, Choi J, Plagmann LS, Redick MA, Miranda CL, Maier CS, Dallavalle S, Kioussi C et al..  2021.  Xanthohumol Pyrazole Derivative Improves Diet-Induced Obesity and Induces Energy Expenditure in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice.. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci. 4(6):1782-1793.
Logan IE, Shulzhenko N, Sharpton TJ, Bobe G, Liu K, Nuss S, Jones ML, Miranda CL, Vasquez-Perez S, Pennington JM et al..  2021.  Xanthohumol Requires the Intestinal Microbiota to Improve Glucose Metabolism in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 65(21):e2100389.
