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Colonic Neoplasms
Wang R, W Dashwood M, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Tumors from rats given 1,2-dimethylhydrazine plus chlorophyllin or indole-3-carbinol contain transcriptional changes in beta-catenin that are independent of beta-catenin mutation status.. Mutat Res. 601(1-2):11-8.
Wang R, W Dashwood M, Löhr CV, Fischer KA, Pereira CB, Louderback M, Nakagama H, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2008.  Protective versus promotional effects of white tea and caffeine on PhIP-induced tumorigenesis and beta-catenin expression in the rat.. Carcinogenesis. 29(4):834-9.
Parasramka MA, W Dashwood M, Wang R, Abdelli A, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2012.  MicroRNA profiling of carcinogen-induced rat colon tumors and the influence of dietary spinach.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(8):1259-69.
Simonich MT, Egner PA, Roebuck BD, Orner GA, Jubert C, Pereira C, Groopman JD, Kensler TW, Dashwood RH, Williams DE et al..  2007.  Natural chlorophyll inhibits aflatoxin B1-induced multi-organ carcinogenesis in the rat.. Carcinogenesis. 28(6):1294-302.
Chimploy K, G Díaz D, Li Q, Carter O, Dashwood W-M, Mathews CK, Williams DE, Bailey GS, Dashwood RH.  2009.  E2F4 and ribonucleotide reductase mediate S-phase arrest in colon cancer cells treated with chlorophyllin.. Int J Cancer. 125(9):2086-94.
Blum CA, Xu M, Orner GA, G Díaz D, Li Q, Dashwood WMohaiza, Bailey GS, Dashwood RH.  2003.  Promotion versus suppression of rat colon carcinogenesis by chlorophyllin and chlorophyll: modulation of apoptosis, cell proliferation, and beta-catenin/Tcf signaling.. Mutat Res. 523-524:217-23.
Carter O, Bailey GS, Dashwood RH.  2004.  The dietary phytochemical chlorophyllin alters E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression in human colon cancer cells.. J Nutr. 134(12 Suppl):3441S-3444S.
