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Found 10 results
Shannon, Jackilen
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Journal Article
Housley L
Magana AAlcazar
Hsu A
Beaver LM
Wong CP
Stevens JF
Choi J
Jiang Y
Bella D
Williams DE
et al.
. 2018.
Untargeted Metabolomic Screen Reveals Changes in Human Plasma Metabolite Profiles Following Consumption of Fresh Broccoli Sprouts.
Mol Nutr Food Res.
Atwell LL
Zhang Z
Mori M
Farris P
Vetto JT
Naik AM
Thuillier P
Ho E
Shannon J
. 2015.
Sulforaphane Bioavailability and Chemopreventive Activity in Women Scheduled for Breast Biopsy.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 8(12):1184-1191.
Zhang Z
Garzotto M
Davis EW
Mori M
Stoller WA
Farris PE
Wong CP
Beaver LM
Thomas GV
Williams DE
et al.
. 2019.
Sulforaphane Bioavailability and Chemopreventive Activity in Men Presenting for Biopsy of the Prostate Gland: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Nutr Cancer. :1-14.
Zhang Z
Bergan R
Shannon J
Slatore CG
Bobe G
Takata Y
. 2018.
The Role of Cruciferous Vegetables and Isothiocyanates for Lung Cancer Prevention: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Research Directions.
Mol Nutr Food Res. :e1700936.
Bobe G
Zhang Z
Kopp R
Garzotto M
Shannon J
Takata Y
. 2020.
Phytol and its metabolites phytanic and pristanic acids for risk of cancer: current evidence and future directions.
Eur J Cancer Prev. 29(2):191-200.
Bobe G
Zhang Z
Kopp R
Garzotto M
Shannon J
Takata Y
. 2020.
Phytol and its metabolites phytanic and pristanic acids for risk of cancer: current evidence and future directions.
Eur J Cancer Prev. 29(2):191-200.
Atwell LL
Beaver LM
Shannon J
Williams DE
Dashwood RH
Ho E
. 2015.
Epigenetic Regulation by Sulforaphane: Opportunities for Breast and Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention.
Curr Pharmacol Rep. 1(2):102-111.
Preble I
Zhang Z
Kopp R
Garzotto M
Bobe G
Shannon J
Takata Y
. 2019.
Dairy Product Consumption and Prostate Cancer Risk in the United States.
Nutrients. 11(7)
Đoàn LN
Hu C
Zhang Z
Shannon J
Bobe G
Takata Y
. 2023.
Dairy product consumption and lung cancer risk: A prospective analysis.
Clin Nutr ESPEN. 57:423-429.
Beaver LM
Lӧhr CV
Clarke JD
Glasser ST
Watson GW
Wong CP
Zhang Z
Williams DE
Dashwood RH
Shannon J
et al.
. 2018.
Broccoli Sprouts Delay Prostate Cancer Formation and Decrease Prostate Cancer Severity with a Concurrent Decrease in HDAC3 Protein Expression in Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of the Mouse Prostate (TRAMP) Mice.
Curr Dev Nutr. 2(3):nzy002.
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