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Traber MG, Frei B, Beckman JS.  2008.  Vitamin E revisited: do new data validate benefits for chronic disease prevention? Curr Opin Lipidol. 19(1):30-8.
Traber MG.  2005.  Vitamin E regulation.. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 21(2):223-7.
Traber MG.  2005.  Vitamin E regulation.. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 21(2):223-7.
Traber MG.  2004.  Vitamin E, nuclear receptors and xenobiotic metabolism.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 423(1):6-11.
Traber MG, Atkinson J.  2007.  Vitamin E, antioxidant and nothing more.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(1):4-15.
Kirkwood JS, Lebold KM, Miranda CL, Wright CL, Miller GW, Tanguay RL, Barton CL, Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2012.  Vitamin C deficiency activates the purine nucleotide cycle in zebrafish.. J Biol Chem. 287(6):3833-41.