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Vitamin E
Matsumoto S, Traber MG, Leonard SW, Choi J, Fang X, Maishan M, Wick KD, Jones KD, Calfee CS, Gotts JE et al..  2022.  Aerosolized vitamin E acetate causes oxidative injury in mice and in alveolar macrophages.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 322(6):L771-L783.
Traber MG.  2004.  Vitamin E, nuclear receptors and xenobiotic metabolism.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 423(1):6-11.
Traber MG, Cross CE.  2023.  Alpha-Tocopherol from People to Plants Is an Essential Cog in the Metabolic Machinery.. Antioxid Redox Signal. 38(10-12):775-791.
Leonard SW, Good CK, Gugger ET, Traber MG.  2004.  Vitamin E bioavailability from fortified breakfast cereal is greater than that from encapsulated supplements.. Am J Clin Nutr. 79(1):86-92.
Lim Y, Schock BC, Gohil K, Leonard SW, Packer L, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2004.  Gene-nutrient interactions exemplified by the alpha-tocopherol content of tissues from alpha-tocopherol transfer protein-null mice fed different dietary vitamin E concentrations.. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1031:328-9.
Head B, Traber MG.  2021.  Expanding role of vitamin E in protection against metabolic dysregulation: Insights gained from model systems, especially the developing nervous system of zebrafish embryos.. Free Radic Biol Med. 176:80-91.
Traber MG, Siddens LK, Leonard SW, Schock B, Gohil K, Krueger SK, Cross CE, Williams DE.  2005.  Alpha-tocopherol modulates Cyp3a expression, increases gamma-CEHC production, and limits tissue gamma-tocopherol accumulation in mice fed high gamma-tocopherol diets.. Free Radic Biol Med. 38(6):773-85.
Watts EJ, Shen Y, Lansky EP, Nevo E, Bobe G, Traber MG.  2015.  High environmental stress yields greater tocotrienol content while changing vitamin e profiles of wild emmer wheat seeds.. J Med Food. 18(2):216-23.
Pei R, Mah E, Leonard SW, Traber MG, Bruno RS.  2015.  α-Tocopherol supplementation reduces 5-nitro-γ-tocopherol accumulation by decreasing γ-tocopherol in young adult smokers.. Free Radic Res. 49(9):1114-1121.
Traber MG.  2024.  Human Vitamin E deficiency, and what is and is not Vitamin E? Free Radic Biol Med. 213:285-292.
Bruno RS, Traber MG.  2005.  Cigarette smoke alters human vitamin E requirements.. J Nutr. 135(4):671-4.
Bella DL, Schock BC, Lim Y, Leonard SW, Berry C, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2006.  Regulation of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in mice: lack of response to dietary vitamin E or oxidative stress.. Lipids. 41(2):105-12.
Lebold KM, Grant KA, Freeman WM, Wiren KM, Miller GW, Kiley C, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2011.  Individual differences in hyperlipidemia and vitamin E status in response to chronic alcohol self-administration in cynomolgus monkeys.. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 35(3):474-83.
Blaner WS, Shmarakov IO, Traber MG.  2021.  Vitamin A and Vitamin E: Will the Real Antioxidant Please Stand Up? Annu Rev Nutr. 41:105-131.
Miller GW, Truong L, Barton CL, Labut EM, Lebold KM, Traber MG, Tanguay RL.  2014.  The influences of parental diet and vitamin E intake on the embryonic zebrafish transcriptome.. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. 10:22-9.
