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Found 98 results
Traber, Maret G
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Traber MG
. 2007.
Heart disease and single-vitamin supplementation.
Am J Clin Nutr. 85(1):293S-299S.
Mustacich DJ
Elias VD
Payne K
Sullivan L
Leonard SW
Traber MG
. 2007.
Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.
Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
Mustacich DJ
Bruno RS
Traber MG
. 2007.
Vitamin E.
Vitam Horm. 76:1-21.
Traber MG
Atkinson J
. 2007.
Vitamin E, antioxidant and nothing more.
Free Radic Biol Med. 43(1):4-15.
Mustacich DJ
Leonard SW
Devereaux MW
Sokol RJ
Traber MG
. 2006.
Alpha-tocopherol regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450s and ABC transporters in rats.
Free Radic Biol Med. 41(7):1069-78.
Taylor AW
Bruno RS
Frei B
Traber MG
. 2006.
Benefits of prolonged gradient separation for high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry quantitation of plasma total 15-series F-isoprostanes.
Anal Biochem. 350(1):41-51.
Bruno RS
Leonard SW
Atkinson J
Montine TJ
Ramakrishnan R
Bray TM
Traber MG
. 2006.
Faster plasma vitamin E disappearance in smokers is normalized by vitamin C supplementation.
Free Radic Biol Med. 40(4):689-97.
Leonard SW
Traber MG
. 2006.
Measurement of the vitamin E metabolites, carboxyethyl hydroxychromans (CEHCs), in biological samples.
Curr Protoc Toxicol. Chapter 7:Unit7.8.
Bella DL
Schock BC
Lim Y
Leonard SW
Berry C
Cross CE
Traber MG
. 2006.
Regulation of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in mice: lack of response to dietary vitamin E or oxidative stress.
Lipids. 41(2):105-12.
Traber MG
. 2006.
Relationship of vitamin E metabolism and oxidation in exercising human subjects.
Br J Nutr. 96 Suppl 1:S34-7.
Traber MG
Siddens LK
Leonard SW
Schock B
Gohil K
Krueger SK
Cross CE
Williams DE
. 2005.
Alpha-tocopherol modulates Cyp3a expression, increases gamma-CEHC production, and limits tissue gamma-tocopherol accumulation in mice fed high gamma-tocopherol diets.
Free Radic Biol Med. 38(6):773-85.
Bruno RS
Traber MG
. 2005.
Cigarette smoke alters human vitamin E requirements.
J Nutr. 135(4):671-4.
Bruno RS
Leonard SW
Li J
Bray TM
Traber MG
. 2005.
Lower plasma alpha-carboxyethyl-hydroxychroman after deuterium-labeled alpha-tocopherol supplementation suggests decreased vitamin E metabolism in smokers.
Am J Clin Nutr. 81(5):1052-9.
Leonard SW
Gumpricht E
Devereaux MW
Sokol RJ
Traber MG
. 2005.
Quantitation of rat liver vitamin E metabolites by LC-MS during high-dose vitamin E administration.
J Lipid Res. 46(5):1068-75.
Traber MG
. 2005.
Vitamin E regulation.
Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 21(2):223-7.
Leonard SW
Bruno RS
Ramakrishnan R
Bray T
Traber MG
. 2004.
Cigarette smoking increases human vitamin E requirements as estimated by plasma deuterium-labeled CEHC.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1031:357-60.
Mastaloudis A
Yu T-W
O'Donnell RP
Frei B
Dashwood RH
Traber MG
. 2004.
Endurance exercise results in DNA damage as detected by the comet assay.
Free Radic Biol Med. 36(8):966-75.
Lim Y
Schock BC
Gohil K
Leonard SW
Packer L
Cross CE
Traber MG
. 2004.
Gene-nutrient interactions exemplified by the alpha-tocopherol content of tissues from alpha-tocopherol transfer protein-null mice fed different dietary vitamin E concentrations.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1031:328-9.
Leonard SW
Good CK
Gugger ET
Traber MG
. 2004.
Vitamin E bioavailability from fortified breakfast cereal is greater than that from encapsulated supplements.
Am J Clin Nutr. 79(1):86-92.
Traber MG
. 2004.
Vitamin E, nuclear receptors and xenobiotic metabolism.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 423(1):6-11.
Traber MG
Burton GW
Hamilton RL
. 2004.
Vitamin E trafficking.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1031:1-12.
Leonard SW
Bruno RS
Paterson E
Schock BC
Atkinson J
Bray TM
Cross CE
Traber MG
. 2003.
5-nitro-gamma-tocopherol increases in human plasma exposed to cigarette smoke in vitro and in vivo.
Free Radic Biol Med. 35(12):1560-7.
Leonard SW
Terasawa Y
Farese RV
Traber MG
. 2002.
Incorporation of deuterated RRR- or all-rac-alpha-tocopherol in plasma and tissues of alpha-tocopherol transfer protein--null mice.
Am J Clin Nutr. 75(3):555-60.
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