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Journal Article
Fang J-B, Nikolic D, Lankin DC, Simmler C, Chen S-N, Alvarenga RFRamos, Liu Y, Pauli GF, van Breemen RB.  2019.  Formation of (2)- and (2)-8-Prenylnaringenin Glucuronides by Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases.. J Agric Food Chem. 67(42):11650-11656.
Legette LC, Karnpracha C, Reed RL, Choi J, Bobe G, J Christensen M, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Purnell JQ, Stevens JF.  2014.  Human pharmacokinetics of xanthohumol, an antihyperglycemic flavonoid from hops.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 58(2):248-55.
Lela L, Ponticelli M, Carlucci V, Stevens JF, Faraone I, Tzvetkov NT, Milella L.  2024.  Insight into the Interaction of L. Specialized Metabolites and Gastrointestinal Bitter Taste Receptors: Study in STC-1 Cells and Molecular Docking.. J Nat Prod. 87(8):2021-2033.
Ellinwood DC, El-Mansy MF, Plagmann LS, Stevens JF, Maier CS, Gombart AF, Blakemore PR.  2017.  Total synthesis of [ C] -, [ C] -, and [ C] -isotopomers of xanthohumol, the principal prenylflavonoid from hops.. J Labelled Comp Radiopharm. 60(14):639-648.
Peluso MR, Miranda CL, Hobbs DJ, Proteau RR, Stevens JFrederik.  2010.  Xanthohumol and related prenylated flavonoids inhibit inflammatory cytokine production in LPS-activated THP-1 monocytes: structure-activity relationships and in silico binding to myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD-2).. Planta Med. 76(14):1536-43.
Stevens JF, Page JE.  2004.  Xanthohumol and related prenylflavonoids from hops and beer: to your good health!. Phytochemistry. 65(10):1317-30.
Miranda CL, Elias VD, Hay JJ, Choi J, Reed RL, Stevens JF.  2016.  Xanthohumol improves dysfunctional glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 599:22-30.