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van Breemen RB, Muchiri RN.  2024.  Affinity selection-mass spectrometry in the discovery of anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds.. Mass Spectrom Rev. 43(1):39-46.
Li J, Tang M, Ke R-X, Li P-L, Sheng Z-G, Zhu B-Z.  2024.  The anti-cancer drug candidate CBL0137 induced necroptosis via forming left-handed Z-DNA and its binding protein ZBP1 in liver cells.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 482:116765.
Irawan A, Muchiri RN, Parker NB, van Breemen RB, Ates S, Bionaz M.  2024.  Cannabinoid residuals in tissues of lambs fed spent hemp biomass and consumer's exposure assessment.. Food Chem Toxicol. 191:114848.
Traber MG.  2024.  Deciphering the enigma of the function of alpha-tocopherol as a vitamin.. Free Radic Biol Med. 221:64-74.
Hilton JBW, Kysenius K, Liddell JR, Mercer SW, Paul B, Beckman JS, McLean CA, White AR, Donnelly PS, Bush AI et al..  2024.  Evidence for disrupted copper availability in human spinal cord supports Cu(atsm) as a treatment option for sporadic cases of ALS.. Sci Rep. 14(1):5929.
Jamieson PE, Smart EB, Bouranis JA, Choi J, Danczak RE, Wong CP, Paraiso IL, Maier CS, Ho E, Sharpton TJ et al..  2024.  Gut enterotype-dependent modulation of gut microbiota and their metabolism in response to xanthohumol supplementation in healthy adults.. Gut Microbes. 16(1):2315633.
Traber MG.  2024.  Human Vitamin E deficiency, and what is and is not Vitamin E? Free Radic Biol Med. 213:285-292.
Kopparapu PR, Pearce MC, Löhr CV, Duong C, Jang HSang, Tyavanagimatt S, O'Donnell EF, Nakshatri H, Kolluri SK.  2024.  Identification and Characterization of a Small Molecule Bcl-2 Functional Converter.. Cancer Res Commun. 4(3):634-644.
Nakamura Y, Kulkarni NN, Takahashi T, Alimohamadi H, Dokoshi T, Liu E, Shia M, Numata T, Luo EWc, Gombart AF et al..  2024.  Increased LL37 in psoriasis and other inflammatory disorders promotes LDL uptake and atherosclerosis.. J Clin Invest. 134(5)
Lela L, Ponticelli M, Carlucci V, Stevens JF, Faraone I, Tzvetkov NT, Milella L.  2024.  Insight into the Interaction of L. Specialized Metabolites and Gastrointestinal Bitter Taste Receptors: Study in STC-1 Cells and Molecular Docking.. J Nat Prod. 87(8):2021-2033.
Magana AAlcazar, Vaswani A, Brown KS, Jiang Y, Alam MNure, Caruso M, Lak P, Cheong P, Gray NE, Quinn JF et al..  2024.  Integrating High-Resolution Mass Spectral Data, Bioassays and Computational Models to Annotate Bioactives in Botanical Extracts: Case Study Analysis of Extract Associates Dicaffeoylquinic Acids with Protection against Amyloid-β Toxicity.. Molecules. 29(4)
Mollusky A, Reynolds-Lallement N, Lee D, Zhong JY, Magnusson KR.  2024.  Investigating the effects of age and prior military service on fluid and crystallized cognitive functions using virtual morris water maze (vMWM) and NIH Toolbox tasks.. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 116:105156.
Liddell JR, Hilton JBW, Kysenius K, Billings JL, Nikseresht S, McInnes LE, Hare DJ, Paul B, Mercer SW, Belaidi AA et al..  2024.  Microglial ferroptotic stress causes non-cell autonomous neuronal death.. Mol Neurodegener. 19(1):14.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Wong CP, Choi J, Hamer S, Davis EW, Brown KS, Jiang D, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF et al..  2024.  Sulforaphane and Sulforaphane-Nitrile Metabolism in Humans Following Broccoli Sprout Consumption: Inter-individual Variation, Association with Gut Microbiome Composition, and Differential Bioactivity.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 68(4):e2300286.
Nguyen BD, Stevens BL, Elson DJ, Finlay D, Gamble JT, Kopparapu PR, Tanguay RL, Buermeyer AB, Kerkvliet NI, Kolluri SK.  2023.  11-Cl-BBQ, a select modulator of AhR-regulated transcription, suppresses lung cancer cell growth via activation of p53 and p27.. FEBS J. 290(8):2064-2084.
Neufeld LM, Ho E, Obeid R, Tzoulis C, Green M, Huber LG, Stout M, Griffiths JC.  2023.  Advancing nutrition science to meet evolving global health needs.. Eur J Nutr. 62(Suppl 1):1-16.
Traber MG, Cross CE.  2023.  Alpha-Tocopherol from People to Plants Is an Essential Cog in the Metabolic Machinery.. Antioxid Redox Signal. 38(10-12):775-791.
van Breemen RB, Simchuk D.  2023.  Antiviral activities of hemp cannabinoids.. Clin Sci (Lond). 137(8):633-643.
Maier MLVermilli, Siddens LK, Pennington JM, Uesugi SL, Tilton SC, Vertel EA, Anderson KA, Tidwell LG, Ognibene TJ, Turteltaub KW et al..  2023.  Benzo[a]pyrene toxicokinetics in humans following dietary supplementation with 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) or Brussels sprouts.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 460:116377.
Đoàn LN, Hu C, Zhang Z, Shannon J, Bobe G, Takata Y.  2023.  Dairy product consumption and lung cancer risk: A prospective analysis.. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 57:423-429.
Zheng TJ, Kohs TCL, Mueller PA, Pang J, Reitsma SE, Parra-Izquierdo I, Melrose AR, Yang L, Choi J, Zientek KD et al..  2023.  Effect of antiplatelet agents and tyrosine kinase inhibitors on oxLDL-mediated procoagulant platelet activity.. Blood Adv. 7(8):1366-1378.
Riordan R, Rong W, Yu Z, Ross G, Valerio J, Dimas-Munoz J, Heredia V, Magnusson K, Galvan V, Perez VI.  2023.  Effect of Nrf2 loss on senescence and cognition of tau-based P301S mice.. Geroscience. 45(3):1451-1469.
Hall JA, Bobe G, Filley SJ, Pirelli GJ, Bohle MG, Wang G, T Davis Z, Bañuelos GS.  2023.  Effects of Amount and Chemical Form of Selenium Amendments on Forage Selenium Concentrations and Species Profiles.. Biol Trace Elem Res. 201(10):4951-4960.
Maier MLVermilli, Siddens LK, Pennington JM, Uesugi SL, Labut EM, Vertel EA, Anderson KA, Tidwell LG, Tilton SC, Ognibene TJ et al..  2023.  Impact of phenanthrene co-administration on the toxicokinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in humans. UPLC-accelerator mass spectrometry following oral microdosing.. Chem Biol Interact. 382:110608.
Chen L, Nikolic D, Li G, Liu J, van Breemen RB.  2023.  In vitro inhibition of human cytochrome P450 enzymes by licoisoflavone B from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC.. Toxicol Sci. 196(1):16-24.
