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Journal Article
Logan IE, Shulzhenko N, Sharpton TJ, Bobe G, Liu K, Nuss S, Jones ML, Miranda CL, Vasquez-Perez S, Pennington JM et al..  2021.  Xanthohumol Requires the Intestinal Microbiota to Improve Glucose Metabolism in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 65(21):e2100389.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Wong CP, Choi J, Hamer S, Davis EW, Brown KS, Jiang D, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF et al..  2024.  Sulforaphane and Sulforaphane-Nitrile Metabolism in Humans Following Broccoli Sprout Consumption: Inter-individual Variation, Association with Gut Microbiome Composition, and Differential Bioactivity.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 68(4):e2300286.
Magnusson KR, Hauck L, Jeffrey BM, Elias V, Humphrey A, Nath R, Perrone A, Bermudez LE.  2015.  Relationships between diet-related changes in the gut microbiome and cognitive flexibility.. Neuroscience. 300:128-40.
Newman NK, Zhang Y, Padiadpu J, Miranda CL, Magana AA, Wong CP, Hioki KA, Pederson JW, Li Z, Gurung M et al..  2023.  Reducing gut microbiome-driven adipose tissue inflammation alleviates metabolic syndrome.. Microbiome. 11(1):208.
Ho E, Drake VJ, Michels AJ, Nkrumah-Elie YM, Brown LVL, Scott JM, Newman JW, Shukitt-Hale B, Soumyanath A, Chilton FH et al..  2023.  Perspective: Council for Responsible Nutrition Science in Session. Optimizing Health with Nutrition-Opportunities, Gaps, and the Future.. Adv Nutr. 14(5):948-958.
Gaulke CA, Rolshoven J, Wong CP, Hudson LG, Ho E, Sharpton TJ.  2018.  Marginal Zinc Deficiency and Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Arsenic Elicit Combined Effects on the Gut Microbiome.. mSphere. 3(6)
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Jiang D, Choi J, Wong CP, Davis EW, Williams DE, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF, Ho E.  2022.  Interplay between Cruciferous Vegetables and the Gut Microbiome: A Multi-Omic Approach.. Nutrients. 15(1)
Perera T, Young MR, Zhang Z, Murphy G, Colburn NH, Lanza E, Hartman TJ, Cross AJ, Bobe G.  2015.  Identification and monitoring of metabolite markers of dry bean consumption in parallel human and mouse studies.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59(4):795-806.
Jamieson PE, Smart EB, Bouranis JA, Choi J, Danczak RE, Wong CP, Paraiso IL, Maier CS, Ho E, Sharpton TJ et al..  2024.  Gut enterotype-dependent modulation of gut microbiota and their metabolism in response to xanthohumol supplementation in healthy adults.. Gut Microbes. 16(1):2315633.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Choi J, Wong CP, Jiang D, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF, Ho E.  2021.  Composition of the Gut Microbiome Influences Production of Sulforaphane-Nitrile and Iberin-Nitrile from Glucosinolates in Broccoli Sprouts.. Nutrients. 13(9)