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Single Person
Brand EF, Lakey B, Berman S.  1995.  A preventive, psychoeducational approach to increase perceived social support.. Am J Community Psychol. 23(1):117-35.
Signal Transduction
Tripathy S, Torres-Gonzalez M, Jump DB.  2010.  Elevated hepatic fatty acid elongase-5 activity corrects dietary fat-induced hyperglycemia in obese C57BL/6J mice.. J Lipid Res. 51(9):2642-54.
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Reitsma SE, Lakshmanan HHara Sudha, Johnson J, Pang J, Parra-Izquierdo I, Melrose AR, Choi J, Anderson DEJ, Hinds MT, Stevens JFrederik et al..  2022.  Chronic edible dosing of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in nonhuman primates reduces systemic platelet activity and function.. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 322(3):C370-C381.
Smith AR, Shenvi SV, Widlansky M, Suh JH, Hagen TM.  2004.  Lipoic acid as a potential therapy for chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress.. Curr Med Chem. 11(9):1135-46.
Zhang W-J, Frei B.  2015.  Astragaloside IV inhibits NF- κ B activation and inflammatory gene expression in LPS-treated mice.. Mediators Inflamm. 2015:274314.
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