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Yang L, Choi J, Maier CS, Stevens JF.  2024.  Profiling of Oxylipins as Markers of Oxidative Stress in Biological Samples.. Curr Protoc. 4(3):e992.
Paraiso IL, Revel JS, Stevens JF.  2020.  Potential use of polyphenols in the battle against COVID-19.. Curr Opin Food Sci.
Shoaib M, Choudhary RC, Choi J, Kim N, Hayashida K, Yagi T, Yin T, Nishikimi M, Stevens JF, Becker LB et al..  2020.  Plasma metabolomics supports the use of long-duration cardiac arrest rodent model to study human disease by demonstrating similar metabolic alterations.. Sci Rep. 10(1):19707.
Zheljazkov VD, Semerdjieva IB, Stevens JF, Wu W, Cantrell CL, Yankova-Tsvetkova E, Koleva-Valkova LH, Stoyanova A, Astatkie T.  2021.  Phytochemical Investigation and Reproductive Capacity of the Bulgarian Endemic Plant Species Boiss. (Lamiaceae).. Plants (Basel). 11(1)
Bading-Taika B, Akinyeke T, Magana AAlcazar, Choi J, Ouanesisouk M, Torres ERuth Samso, Lione LA, Maier CS, Bobe G, Raber J et al..  2018.  Phytochemical characterization of root bark and its effects on dysfunctional metabolism and cognitive performance in high-fat-fed C57BL/6J mice.. J Food Bioact. 3:111-123.
Miranda CL, Kumbi Y, Wu W, Lee H-S, Reed RL, Stevens JF.  2022.  Phytochemical characterization and bioactivity toward breast cancer cells of unhydrolyzed and acid-hydrolyzed extracts of .. Nat Prod Commun. 17(7)
Carpenter EL, Le MN, Miranda CL, Reed RL, Stevens JF, Indra AK, Ganguli-Indra G.  2018.  Photoprotective Properties of Isothiocyanate and Nitrile Glucosinolate Derivatives From Meadowfoam () Against UVB Irradiation in Human Skin Equivalent.. Front Pharmacol. 9:477.
Legette LC, Ma L, Reed RL, Miranda CL, Christensen JMark, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Stevens JF.  2012.  Pharmacokinetics of xanthohumol and metabolites in rats after oral and intravenous administration.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(3):466-74.
Wright KM, Bollen M, David J, Speers AB, Brandes MS, Gray NE, Magana AAlcazar, McClure C, Stevens JF, Maier CS et al..  2022.  Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Key Components of a Standardized Product in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: A Phase 1, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial.. Antioxidants (Basel). 11(2)
