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Depner CM, Traber MG, Bobe G, Kensicki E, Bohren KM, Milne G, Jump DB.  2013.  A metabolomic analysis of omega-3 fatty acid-mediated attenuation of western diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in LDLR-/- mice.. PLoS One. 8(12):e83756.
Lebold KM, Kirkwood JS, Taylor AW, Choi J, Barton CL, Miller GW, La Du J, Jump DB, Stevens JFrederik, Tanguay RL et al..  2013.  Novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method shows that vitamin E deficiency depletes arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos.. Redox Biol. 2:105-13.
Lytle KA, Depner CM, Wong CP, Jump DB.  2015.  Docosahexaenoic acid attenuates Western diet-induced hepatic fibrosis in Ldlr-/- mice by targeting the TGFβ-Smad3 pathway.. J Lipid Res. 56(10):1936-46.
Jump DB.  2008.  N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid regulation of hepatic gene transcription.. Curr Opin Lipidol. 19(3):242-7.
Schubach KM, Cooke RF, Brandão AP, de Sousa OA, Schumaher TF, Jump DB, Pohler KG, Bohnert DW, Marques RS.  2019.  Supplementing calcium salts of soybean oil to beef steers early in life to enhance carcass development and quality1.. J Anim Sci. 97(10):4182-4192.
Depner CM, Torres-Gonzalez M, Tripathy S, Milne G, Jump DB.  2012.  Menhaden oil decreases high-fat diet-induced markers of hepatic damage, steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in obese Ldlr-/- mice.. J Nutr. 142(8):1495-503.
Tripathy S, Lytle KA, Stevens RD, Bain JR, Newgard CB, Greenberg AS, Huang L-S, Jump DB.  2014.  Fatty acid elongase-5 (Elovl5) regulates hepatic triglyceride catabolism in obese C57BL/6J mice.. J Lipid Res. 55(7):1448-64.
Jump DB, Tripathy S, Depner CM.  2013.  Fatty acid-regulated transcription factors in the liver.. Annu Rev Nutr. 33:249-69.
Tripathy S, Torres-Gonzalez M, Jump DB.  2010.  Elevated hepatic fatty acid elongase-5 activity corrects dietary fat-induced hyperglycemia in obese C57BL/6J mice.. J Lipid Res. 51(9):2642-54.
