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Reveillaud I, Phillips J, Duyf B, Hilliker A, Kongpachith A, Fleming JE.  1994.  Phenotypic rescue by a bovine transgene in a Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase-null mutant of Drosophila melanogaster.. Mol Cell Biol. 14(2):1302-7.
Hall JA, Bobe G, Vorachek WR, Estill CT, Mosher WD, Pirelli GJ, Gamroth M.  2014.  Effect of supranutritional maternal and colostral selenium supplementation on passive absorption of immunoglobulin G in selenium-replete dairy calves.. J Dairy Sci. 97(7):4379-91.
Boulikas T, Poirier GG.  1992.  Resistance of ADP-ribosylated histones and HMG proteins to proteases.. Biochem Cell Biol. 70(10-11):1258-67.
Cappellozza BI, Cooke RF, Reis MM, Marques RS, Filho TAGuarnier, Perry GA, Jump DB, Lytle KA, Bohnert DW.  2015.  Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows.. J Anim Sci. 93(1):386-94.
Schubach KM, Cooke RF, Brandão AP, de Sousa OA, Schumaher TF, Jump DB, Pohler KG, Bohnert DW, Marques RS.  2019.  Supplementing calcium salts of soybean oil to beef steers early in life to enhance carcass development and quality1.. J Anim Sci. 97(10):4182-4192.
Reveillaud I, Kongpachith A, Park R, Fleming JE.  1992.  Stress resistance of Drosophila transgenic for bovine CuZn superoxide dismutase.. Free Radic Res Commun. 17(1):73-85.
Wallace LG, Bobe G, Vorachek WR, Dolan BP, Estill CT, Pirelli GJ, Hall JA.  2017.  Effects of feeding pregnant beef cows selenium-enriched alfalfa hay on selenium status and antibody titers in their newborn calves.. J Anim Sci. 95(6):2408-2420.
K Apperson D, Vorachek WR, Dolan BP, Bobe G, Pirelli GJ, Hall JA.  2018.  Effects of feeding pregnant beef cows selenium-enriched alfalfa hay on passive transfer of ovalbumin in their newborn calves.. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 50:640-645.
Cell Cycle Checkpoints
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