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Ganmaa D, Bromage S, Khudyakov P, Erdenenbaatar S, Delgererekh B, Martineau AR.  2023.  Influence of Vitamin D Supplementation on Growth, Body Composition, and Pubertal Development Among School-aged Children in an Area With a High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency: A Randomized Clinical Trial.. JAMA Pediatr. 177(1):32-41.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Jiang D, Choi J, Wong CP, Davis EW, Williams DE, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF, Ho E.  2022.  Interplay between Cruciferous Vegetables and the Gut Microbiome: A Multi-Omic Approach.. Nutrients. 15(1)
Lee BY, Ordovás JM, Parks EJ, Anderson CAM, Barabási A-L, Clinton SK, de la Haye K, Duffy VB, Franks PW, Ginexi EM et al..  2022.  Research gaps and opportunities in precision nutrition: an NIH workshop report.. Am J Clin Nutr. 116(6):1877-1900.
Bredefeld C, M Hussain M, Averna M, Black DD, Brin MF, Burnett JR, Charrière S, Cuerq C, Davidson NO, Deckelbaum RJ et al..  2022.  Guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of hypolipidemia disorders.. J Clin Lipidol. 16(6):797-812.
Langley BO, Ryan JJoan, Phipps J, Buttolph L, Bray B, Aslan JE, Metz TO, Stevens JF, Bradley R.  2022.  Xanthohumol microbiome and signature in adults with Crohn's disease (the XMaS trial): a protocol for a phase II triple-masked, placebo-controlled clinical trial.. Trials. 23(1):885.
Eggersdorfer M, Berger MM, Calder PC, Gombart AF, Ho E, Laviano A, Meydani SN.  2022.  Perspective: Role of Micronutrients and Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids for Immune Outcomes of Relevance to Infections in Older Adults-A Narrative Review and Call for Action.. Adv Nutr. 13(5):1415-1430.
Su Y, Sharma NShree, John JV, Ganguli-Indra G, Indra AK, Gombart AF, Xie J.  2022.  Engineered Exosomes Containing Cathelicidin/LL-37 Exhibit Multiple Biological Functions.. Adv Healthc Mater. 11(20):e2200849.
Holvoet H, Long DM, Law A, McClure C, Choi J, Yang L, Marney L, Poeck B, Strauss R, Stevens JF et al..  2022.  Extracts Promote Resilience against Age-Related and Stress-Induced Behavioral Phenotypes in a Possible Role of Other Compounds besides Withanolides.. Nutrients. 14(19)
Traber MG, Leonard SW, Vasu VT, Morrissey BM, Lei HJohn, Atkinson J, Cross CE.  2022.  α-Tocopherol Pharmacokinetics in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis: Benefits of Supplemental Vitamin C Administration.. Nutrients. 14(18)
Matsumoto S, Traber MG, Leonard SW, Choi J, Fang X, Maishan M, Wick KD, Jones KD, Calfee CS, Gotts JE et al..  2022.  Aerosolized vitamin E acetate causes oxidative injury in mice and in alveolar macrophages.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 322(6):L771-L783.
Aloul KM, Nielsen JEilsø, Defensor EB, Lin JS, Fortkort JA, Shamloo M, Cirillo JD, Gombart AF, Barron AE.  2022.  Upregulating Human Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Expression May Prevent Severe COVID-19 Inflammatory Responses and Reduce Microthrombosis.. Front Immunol. 13:880961.
Carr AC, Gombart AF.  2022.  Multi-Level Immune Support by Vitamins C and D during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.. Nutrients. 14(3)
van Breemen RB, Muchiri RN, Bates TA, Weinstein JB, Leier HC, Farley S, Tafesse FG.  2022.  Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants.. J Nat Prod. 85(1):176-184.
Maier MLVermilli, Siddens LK, Pennington JM, Uesugi SL, Anderson KA, Tidwell LG, Tilton SC, Ognibene TJ, Turteltaub KW, Smith JN et al..  2022.  Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) metabolites predominant in human plasma following escalating oral micro-dosing with [C]-BaP.. Environ Int. 159:107045.
Muchiri RN, Kibitel J, Redick MA, van Breemen RB.  2022.  Advances in Magnetic Microbead Affinity Selection Screening: Discovery of Natural Ligands to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein.. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 33(1):181-188.
Khorani M, Bobe G, Matthews DG, Magana AAlcazar, Caruso M, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Soumyanath A, Maier CS.  2022.  The Impact of the hAPP695SW Transgene and Associated Amyloid-β Accumulation on Murine Hippocampal Biochemical Pathways.. J Alzheimers Dis. 85(4):1601-1619.
Ho E, Wong CP, King JC.  2022.  Impact of zinc on DNA integrity and age-related inflammation.. Free Radic Biol Med. 178:391-397.
Visioli F, Ingram A, Beckman JS, Magnusson KR, Hagen TM.  2022.  Strategies to protect against age-related mitochondrial decay: Do natural products and their derivatives help? Free Radic Biol Med. 178:330-346.
Traber MG, Head B.  2021.  Vitamin E: How much is enough, too much and why!. Free Radic Biol Med. 177:212-225.
Head B, Traber MG.  2021.  Expanding role of vitamin E in protection against metabolic dysregulation: Insights gained from model systems, especially the developing nervous system of zebrafish embryos.. Free Radic Biol Med. 176:80-91.
Blaner WS, Shmarakov IO, Traber MG.  2021.  Vitamin A and Vitamin E: Will the Real Antioxidant Please Stand Up? Annu Rev Nutr. 41:105-131.
Bouranis JA, Beaver LM, Choi J, Wong CP, Jiang D, Sharpton TJ, Stevens JF, Ho E.  2021.  Composition of the Gut Microbiome Influences Production of Sulforaphane-Nitrile and Iberin-Nitrile from Glucosinolates in Broccoli Sprouts.. Nutrients. 13(9)
Irawan A, Muchiri RN, Parker NB, van Breemen RB, Ates S, Bionaz M.  2024.  Cannabinoid residuals in tissues of lambs fed spent hemp biomass and consumer's exposure assessment.. Food Chem Toxicol. 191:114848.
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Traber MG.  2024.  Deciphering the enigma of the function of alpha-tocopherol as a vitamin.. Free Radic Biol Med. 221:64-74.
