Found 796 results
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Journal Article
Ganmaa D, Khudyakov P, Buyanjargal U, Tserenkhuu E, Erdenenbaatar S, Achtai C-E, Yansan N, Delgererekh B, Ankhbat M, Tsendjav E et al..  2023.  Influence of vitamin D supplementation on fracture risk, bone mineral density and bone biochemistry in Mongolian schoolchildren: multicenter double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial.. medRxiv.
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Magana AAlcazar, Vaswani A, Brown KS, Jiang Y, Alam MNure, Caruso M, Lak P, Cheong P, Gray NE, Quinn JF et al..  2024.  Integrating High-Resolution Mass Spectral Data, Bioassays and Computational Models to Annotate Bioactives in Botanical Extracts: Case Study Analysis of Extract Associates Dicaffeoylquinic Acids with Protection against Amyloid-β Toxicity.. Molecules. 29(4)
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Magana AAlcazar, Wright K, Vaswani A, Caruso M, Reed RL, Bailey CF, Nguyen T, Gray NE, Soumyanath A, Quinn J et al..  2020.  Integration of mass spectral fingerprinting analysis with precursor ion (MS1) quantification for the characterisation of botanical extracts: application to extracts of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban.. Phytochem Anal.
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