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Colonic Neoplasms
Simonich MT, Egner PA, Roebuck BD, Orner GA, Jubert C, Pereira C, Groopman JD, Kensler TW, Dashwood RH, Williams DE et al..  2007.  Natural chlorophyll inhibits aflatoxin B1-induced multi-organ carcinogenesis in the rat.. Carcinogenesis. 28(6):1294-302.
Parasramka MA, W Dashwood M, Wang R, Abdelli A, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2012.  MicroRNA profiling of carcinogen-induced rat colon tumors and the influence of dietary spinach.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(8):1259-69.
Wang R, W Dashwood M, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Tumors from rats given 1,2-dimethylhydrazine plus chlorophyllin or indole-3-carbinol contain transcriptional changes in beta-catenin that are independent of beta-catenin mutation status.. Mutat Res. 601(1-2):11-8.
Wang R, Kang Y, Löhr CV, Fischer KA, C Bradford S, Johnson G, Dashwood WMohaiza, Williams DE, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2016.  Reciprocal regulation of BMF and BIRC5 (Survivin) linked to Eomes overexpression in colorectal cancer.. Cancer Lett. 381(2):341-8.
Wang R, W Dashwood M, Löhr CV, Fischer KA, Pereira CB, Louderback M, Nakagama H, Bailey GS, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2008.  Protective versus promotional effects of white tea and caffeine on PhIP-induced tumorigenesis and beta-catenin expression in the rat.. Carcinogenesis. 29(4):834-9.
Chimploy K, G Díaz D, Li Q, Carter O, Dashwood W-M, Mathews CK, Williams DE, Bailey GS, Dashwood RH.  2009.  E2F4 and ribonucleotide reductase mediate S-phase arrest in colon cancer cells treated with chlorophyllin.. Int J Cancer. 125(9):2086-94.
Johnson GS, Li J, Beaver LM, W Dashwood M, Sun D, Rajendran P, Williams DE, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2017.  A functional pseudogene, NMRAL2P, is regulated by Nrf2 and serves as a coactivator of NQO1 in sulforaphane-treated colon cancer cells.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 61(4)
Rajendran P, Kidane AI, Yu T-W, Dashwood W-M, Bisson WH, Löhr CV, Ho E, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2013.  HDAC turnover, CtIP acetylation and dysregulated DNA damage signaling in colon cancer cells treated with sulforaphane and related dietary isothiocyanates.. Epigenetics. 8(6):612-23.
Wang R, Löhr CV, Fischer K, W Dashwood M, Greenwood JA, Ho E, Williams DE, Ashktorab H, Dashwood MR, Dashwood RH.  2013.  Epigenetic inactivation of endothelin-2 and endothelin-3 in colon cancer.. Int J Cancer. 132(5):1004-12.
Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly
Rajendran P, Williams DE, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2011.  Metabolism as a key to histone deacetylase inhibition.. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 46(3):181-99.
