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Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2011.  Vitamins C and E: beneficial effects from a mechanistic perspective.. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(5):1000-13.
Farley SM, Leonard SW, Stevens JF, Traber MG.  2014.  Deuterium-labeled phylloquinone fed to α-tocopherol-injected rats demonstrates sensitivity of low phylloquinone-containing tissues to menaquinone-4 depletion.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 58(8):1610-9.
Axton ER, Beaver LM, St Mary L, Truong L, Logan CR, Spagnoli S, Prater MC, Keller RM, Garcia-Jaramillo M, Ehrlicher SE et al..  2019.  Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish.. J Nutr. 149(12):2120-2132.
Yang L, Choi J, Maier CS, Stevens JF.  2024.  Profiling of Oxylipins as Markers of Oxidative Stress in Biological Samples.. Curr Protoc. 4(3):e992.
Zheng TJ, Kohs TCL, Mueller PA, Pang J, Reitsma SE, Parra-Izquierdo I, Melrose AR, Yang L, Choi J, Zientek KD et al..  2023.  Effect of antiplatelet agents and tyrosine kinase inhibitors on oxLDL-mediated procoagulant platelet activity.. Blood Adv. 7(8):1366-1378.
Legette LC, Ma L, Reed RL, Miranda CL, Christensen JMark, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Stevens JF.  2012.  Pharmacokinetics of xanthohumol and metabolites in rats after oral and intravenous administration.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(3):466-74.
Lela L, Ponticelli M, Carlucci V, Stevens JF, Faraone I, Tzvetkov NT, Milella L.  2024.  Insight into the Interaction of L. Specialized Metabolites and Gastrointestinal Bitter Taste Receptors: Study in STC-1 Cells and Molecular Docking.. J Nat Prod. 87(8):2021-2033.
Kirkwood JS, Maier C, Stevens JF.  2013.  Simultaneous, untargeted metabolic profiling of polar and nonpolar metabolites by LC-Q-TOF mass spectrometry.. Curr Protoc Toxicol. Chapter 4:Unit4.39.
Kirkwood JS, Miranda CL, Bobe G, Maier CS, Stevens JF.  2016.  18O-Tracer Metabolomics Reveals Protein Turnover and CDP-Choline Cycle Activity in Differentiating 3T3-L1 Pre-Adipocytes.. PLoS One. 11(6):e0157118.
Johnson LA, Torres ERuth S, Impey S, Stevens JF, Raber J.  2017.  Apolipoprotein E4 and Insulin Resistance Interact to Impair Cognition and Alter the Epigenome and Metabolome.. Sci Rep. 7:43701.
Kirkwood JS, Lebold KM, Miranda CL, Wright CL, Miller GW, Tanguay RL, Barton CL, Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2012.  Vitamin C deficiency activates the purine nucleotide cycle in zebrafish.. J Biol Chem. 287(6):3833-41.
Choi J, Yin T, Shinozaki K, Lampe JW, Stevens JF, Becker LB, Kim J.  2018.  Comprehensive analysis of phospholipids in the brain, heart, kidney, and liver: brain phospholipids are least enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids.. Mol Cell Biochem. 442(1-2):187-201.
Han B, Stevens JF, Maier CS.  2007.  Design, synthesis, and application of a hydrazide-functionalized isotope-coded affinity tag for the quantification of oxylipid-protein conjugates.. Anal Chem. 79(9):3342-54.
Kundu P, Paraiso IL, Choi J, Miranda CL, Kioussi C, Maier CS, Bobe G, Stevens JF, Raber J.  2022.  Xanthohumol improves cognition in farnesoid X receptor-deficient mice on a high-fat diet.. Dis Model Mech. 15(11)
Legette LCL, Luna AYMoreno, Reed RL, Miranda CL, Bobe G, Proteau RR, Stevens JF.  2013.  Xanthohumol lowers body weight and fasting plasma glucose in obese male Zucker fa/fa rats.. Phytochemistry. 91:236-41.
Logan IE, Shulzhenko N, Sharpton TJ, Bobe G, Liu K, Nuss S, Jones ML, Miranda CL, Vasquez-Perez S, Pennington JM et al..  2021.  Xanthohumol Requires the Intestinal Microbiota to Improve Glucose Metabolism in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 65(21):e2100389.
Khorani M, Bobe G, Matthews DG, Magana AAlcazar, Caruso M, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Stevens JF, Soumyanath A, Maier CS.  2022.  The Impact of the hAPP695SW Transgene and Associated Amyloid-β Accumulation on Murine Hippocampal Biochemical Pathways.. J Alzheimers Dis. 85(4):1601-1619.
Elie MR, Choi J, Nkrumah-Elie YM, Gonnerman GD, Stevens JF, Tanguay RL.  2015.  Metabolomic analysis to define and compare the effects of PAHs and oxygenated PAHs in developing zebrafish.. Environ Res. 140:502-10.
Anticarcinogenic Agents
Stevens JF, Page JE.  2004.  Xanthohumol and related prenylflavonoids from hops and beer: to your good health!. Phytochemistry. 65(10):1317-30.
