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Traber MG, Manor D.  2012.  Vitamin E.. Adv Nutr. 3(3):330-1.
Traber MG.  2024.  Deciphering the enigma of the function of alpha-tocopherol as a vitamin.. Free Radic Biol Med. 221:64-74.
Miller GW, Labut EM, Lebold KM, Floeter A, Tanguay RL, Traber MG.  2012.  Zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed vitamin E-deficient diets produce embryos with increased morphologic abnormalities and mortality.. J Nutr Biochem. 23(5):478-86.
Taylor AW, Bruno RS, Traber MG.  2008.  Women and smokers have elevated urinary F(2)-isoprostane metabolites: a novel extraction and LC-MS methodology.. Lipids. 43(10):925-36.
Traber MG, Leonard SW, Traber DL, Traber LD, Gallagher J, Bobe G, Jeschke MG, Finnerty CC, Herndon D.  2010.  α-Tocopherol adipose tissue stores are depleted after burn injury in pediatric patients.. Am J Clin Nutr. 92(6):1378-84.
Leonard SW, Bruno RS, Ramakrishnan R, Bray T, Traber MG.  2004.  Cigarette smoking increases human vitamin E requirements as estimated by plasma deuterium-labeled CEHC.. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1031:357-60.
Mah E, Pei R, Guo Y, Masterjohn C, Ballard KD, Taylor BA, Taylor AW, Traber MG, Volek JS, Bruno RS.  2015.  Greater γ-tocopherol status during acute smoking abstinence with nicotine replacement therapy improved vascular endothelial function by decreasing 8-iso-15(S)-prostaglandin F2α.. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 240(4):527-33.
Mastaloudis A, Yu T-W, O'Donnell RP, Frei B, Dashwood RH, Traber MG.  2004.  Endurance exercise results in DNA damage as detected by the comet assay.. Free Radic Biol Med. 36(8):966-75.
Traber MG, Mustacich DJ, Sullivan LC, Leonard SW, Ahern-Rindell A, Kerkvliet N.  2010.  Vitamin E status and metabolism in adult and aged aryl hydrocarbon receptor null mice.. J Nutr Biochem. 21(12):1193-9.
Taylor AW, Bruno RS, Frei B, Traber MG.  2006.  Benefits of prolonged gradient separation for high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry quantitation of plasma total 15-series F-isoprostanes.. Anal Biochem. 350(1):41-51.
Leonard SW, Terasawa Y, Farese RV, Traber MG.  2002.  Incorporation of deuterated RRR- or all-rac-alpha-tocopherol in plasma and tissues of alpha-tocopherol transfer protein--null mice.. Am J Clin Nutr. 75(3):555-60.
Iwaniec UT, Turner RT, Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Rust A, Zhang B, Vasu VT, Gohil K, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2013.  Evaluation of long-term vitamin E insufficiency or excess on bone mass, density, and microarchitecture in rodents.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1209-1214.
Lebold KM, Jump DB, Miller GW, Wright CL, Labut EM, Barton CL, Tanguay RL, Traber MG.  2011.  Vitamin E deficiency decreases long-chain PUFA in zebrafish (Danio rerio).. J Nutr. 141(12):2113-8.
