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Wang R, Dashwood W-M, Nian H, Löhr CV, Fischer KA, Tsuchiya N, Nakagama H, Ashktorab H, Dashwood RH.  2011.  NADPH oxidase overexpression in human colon cancers and rat colon tumors induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP).. Int J Cancer. 128(11):2581-90.
Moreau R, Heath S-HD, Doneanu CE, J Lindsay G, Hagen TM.  2003.  Age-related increase in 4-hydroxynonenal adduction to rat heart alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase does not cause loss of its catalytic activity.. Antioxid Redox Signal. 5(5):517-27.
Traber MG, Siddens LK, Leonard SW, Schock B, Gohil K, Krueger SK, Cross CE, Williams DE.  2005.  Alpha-tocopherol modulates Cyp3a expression, increases gamma-CEHC production, and limits tissue gamma-tocopherol accumulation in mice fed high gamma-tocopherol diets.. Free Radic Biol Med. 38(6):773-85.
Smith AR, Visioli F, Frei B, Hagen TM.  2008.  Lipoic acid significantly restores, in rats, the age-related decline in vasomotion.. Br J Pharmacol. 153(8):1615-22.
Myzak MC, Tong P, Dashwood W-M, Dashwood RH, Ho E.  2007.  Sulforaphane retards the growth of human PC-3 xenografts and inhibits HDAC activity in human subjects.. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 232(2):227-34.
Krueger SK, Martin SR, Yueh M-F, Pereira CB, Williams DE.  2002.  Identification of active flavin-containing monooxygenase isoform 2 in human lung and characterization of expressed protein.. Drug Metab Dispos. 30(1):34-41.
Li Q, Löhr CV, Dashwood RH.  2009.  Activator protein 2alpha suppresses intestinal tumorigenesis in the Apc(min) mouse.. Cancer Lett. 283(1):36-42.
Mustacich DJ, Leonard SW, Patel NK, Traber MG.  2010.  Alpha-tocopherol beta-oxidation localized to rat liver mitochondria.. Free Radic Biol Med. 48(1):73-81.
Lowry MB, Guo C, Borregaard N, Gombart AF.  2014.  Regulation of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide gene by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in primary immune cells.. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 143:183-91.
Shay KPetersen, Smith EJ, Hagen TM.  2010.  Transcription factor Nrf2: examination of nuclear protein levels by immunoblotting and promoter response element binding by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).. Curr Protoc Toxicol. Chapter 17:Unit17.13.
Mustacich DJ, Vo AT, Elias VD, Payne K, Sullivan L, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2007.  Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
