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ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1
Mustacich DJ, Vo AT, Elias VD, Payne K, Sullivan L, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2007.  Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
Nakamura Y, Kulkarni NN, Takahashi T, Alimohamadi H, Dokoshi T, Liu E, Shia M, Numata T, Luo EWc, Gombart AF et al..  2024.  Increased LL37 in psoriasis and other inflammatory disorders promotes LDL uptake and atherosclerosis.. J Clin Invest. 134(5)
Okamoto R, Gery S, Gombart AF, Wang X, Castellani LW, Akagi T, Chen S, Arditi M, Ho Q, Lusis AJ et al..  2014.  Deficiency of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-epsilon reduces atherosclerotic lesions in LDLR-/- mice.. PLoS One. 9(1):e85341.
Zhang W-J, Wei H, Frei B.  2010.  The iron chelator, desferrioxamine, reduces inflammation and atherosclerotic lesion development in experimental mice.. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 235(5):633-41.
Zhang W-J, Bird KE, McMillen TS, Leboeuf RC, Hagen TM, Frei B.  2008.  Dietary alpha-lipoic acid supplementation inhibits atherosclerotic lesion development in apolipoprotein E-deficient and apolipoprotein E/low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice.. Circulation. 117(3):421-8.
Wei H, Zhang W-J, McMillen TS, Leboeuf RC, Frei B.  2012.  Copper chelation by tetrathiomolybdate inhibits vascular inflammation and atherosclerotic lesion development in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.. Atherosclerosis. 223(2):306-13.
Li L, Frei B.  2006.  Iron chelation inhibits NF-kappaB-mediated adhesion molecule expression by inhibiting p22(phox) protein expression and NADPH oxidase activity.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 26(12):2638-43.
Li L, Frei B.  2009.  Prolonged exposure to LPS increases iron, heme, and p22phox levels and NADPH oxidase activity in human aortic endothelial cells: inhibition by desferrioxamine.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 29(5):732-8.
Aspartate Aminotransferases
Netke SP, Roomi MW, Tsao C, Niedzwiecki A.  1997.  Ascorbic acid protects guinea pigs from acute aflatoxin toxicity.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 143(2):429-35.
