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Amino Acids
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Amino Acid Sequence
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Voinov VG, Hoffman PD, Bennett SE, Beckman JS, Barofsky DF.  2015.  Electron Capture Dissociation of Sodium-Adducted Peptides on a Modified Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer.. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 26(12):2096-104.
Kubglomsong S, Theerakulkait C, Reed RL, Yang L, Maier CS, Stevens JF.  2018.  Isolation and Identification of Tyrosinase-Inhibitory and Copper-Chelating Peptides from Hydrolyzed Rice-Bran-Derived Albumin.. J Agric Food Chem. 66(31):8346-8354.
Moreau R, Heath S-HD, Doneanu CE, J Lindsay G, Hagen TM.  2003.  Age-related increase in 4-hydroxynonenal adduction to rat heart alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase does not cause loss of its catalytic activity.. Antioxid Redox Signal. 5(5):517-27.
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Shaw JB, Cooper-Shepherd DA, Hewitt D, Wildgoose JL, Beckman JS, Langridge JI, Voinov VG.  2022.  Enhanced Top-Down Protein Characterization with Electron Capture Dissociation and Cyclic Ion Mobility Spectrometry.. Anal Chem. 94(9):3888-3896.
Boulikas T.  1993.  Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, DNA strand breaks, chromatin and cancer.. Toxicol Lett. 67(1-3):129-50.
Moreau R, Nguyen BT, Doneanu CE, Hagen TM.  2005.  Reversal by aminoguanidine of the age-related increase in glycoxidation and lipoxidation in the cardiovascular system of Fischer 344 rats.. Biochem Pharmacol. 69(1):29-40.
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