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Journal Article
Reveillaud I
Phillips J
Duyf B
Hilliker A
Kongpachith A
Fleming JE
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Phenotypic rescue by a bovine transgene in a Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase-null mutant of Drosophila melanogaster.
Mol Cell Biol. 14(2):1302-7.
Legette LC
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Reed RL
Miranda CL
Christensen JMark
Rodriguez-Proteau R
Stevens JF
. 2012.
Pharmacokinetics of xanthohumol and metabolites in rats after oral and intravenous administration.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(3):466-74.
Calder PC
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Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections.
Nutrients. 12(4)
Calder PC
Carr AC
Gombart AF
Eggersdorfer M
. 2020.
Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections.
Nutrients. 12(4)
Myzak MC
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Chung F-L
Dashwood RH
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A novel mechanism of chemoprotection by sulforaphane: inhibition of histone deacetylase.
Cancer Res. 64(16):5767-74.
Wang R
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NADPH oxidase overexpression in human colon cancers and rat colon tumors induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP).
Int J Cancer. 128(11):2581-90.
Wang R
Dashwood W-M
Nian H
Löhr CV
Fischer KA
Tsuchiya N
Nakagama H
Ashktorab H
Dashwood RH
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NADPH oxidase overexpression in human colon cancers and rat colon tumors induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP).
Int J Cancer. 128(11):2581-90.
Blum CA
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Dashwood W-M
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Dashwood RH
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Mutational analysis of Ctnnb1 and Apc in tumors from rats given 1,2-dimethylhydrazine or 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline: mutational 'hotspots' and the relative expression of beta-catenin and c-jun.
Mol Carcinog. 36(4):195-203.
Lowry MB
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A mouse model for vitamin D-induced human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide gene expression.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 198:105552.
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Zhu B-Z
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Molecular mechanism for the activation of the anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid by Mn(III): First detection and unequivocal identification of the critical N-centered isoniazidyl radical and its exact location.
Free Radic Biol Med. 143:232-239.
Nian H
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Dashwood RH
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Modulation of histone deacetylase activity by dietary isothiocyanates and allyl sulfides: studies with sulforaphane and garlic organosulfur compounds.
Environ Mol Mutagen. 50(3):213-21.
Chen Y-S
Wang R
Dashwood W-M
Löhr CV
Williams DE
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Mertens-Talcott S
Dashwood RH
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A miRNA signature for an environmental heterocyclic amine defined by a multi-organ carcinogenicity bioassay in the rat.
Arch Toxicol. 91(10):3415-3425.
Parasramka MA
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Abdelli A
Bailey GS
Williams DE
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Dashwood RH
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MicroRNA profiling of carcinogen-induced rat colon tumors and the influence of dietary spinach.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(8):1259-69.
Zhu B-Z
Zhao H-T
Kalyanaraman B
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Metal-independent production of hydroxyl radicals by halogenated quinones and hydrogen peroxide: an ESR spin trapping study.
Free Radic Biol Med. 32(5):465-73.
Zandkarimi F
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Metabotypes with elevated protein and lipid catabolism and inflammation precede clinical mastitis in prepartal transition dairy cows.
J Dairy Sci. 101(6):5531-5548.
Kirkwood JS
Legette LCL
Miranda CL
Jiang Y
Stevens JF
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A metabolomics-driven elucidation of the anti-obesity mechanisms of xanthohumol.
J Biol Chem. 288(26):19000-13.
Rajendran P
Williams DE
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Dashwood RH
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Metabolism as a key to histone deacetylase inhibition.
Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 46(3):181-99.
Rajendran P
Williams DE
Ho E
Dashwood RH
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Metabolism as a key to histone deacetylase inhibition.
Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 46(3):181-99.
Traber MG
Mah E
Leonard SW
Bobe G
Bruno RS
. 2017.
Metabolic syndrome increases dietary α-tocopherol requirements as assessed using urinary and plasma vitamin E catabolites: a double-blind, crossover clinical trial.
Am J Clin Nutr. 105(3):571-579.
Traber MG
Mah E
Leonard SW
Bobe G
Bruno RS
. 2017.
Metabolic syndrome increases dietary α-tocopherol requirements as assessed using urinary and plasma vitamin E catabolites: a double-blind, crossover clinical trial.
Am J Clin Nutr. 105(3):571-579.
Traber MG
Mah E
Leonard SW
Bobe G
Bruno RS
. 2017.
Metabolic syndrome increases dietary α-tocopherol requirements as assessed using urinary and plasma vitamin E catabolites: a double-blind, crossover clinical trial.
Am J Clin Nutr. 105(3):571-579.
Depner CM
Torres-Gonzalez M
Tripathy S
Milne G
Jump DB
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Menhaden oil decreases high-fat diet-induced markers of hepatic damage, steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in obese Ldlr-/- mice.
J Nutr. 142(8):1495-503.
Beaver LM
Kuintzle R
Buchanan A
Wiley MW
Glasser ST
Wong CP
Johnson GS
Chang JH
Löhr CV
Williams DE
et al.
. 2017.
Long noncoding RNAs and sulforaphane: a target for chemoprevention and suppression of prostate cancer.
J Nutr Biochem. 42:72-83.
Zhang W-J
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The iron chelator, desferrioxamine, reduces inflammation and atherosclerotic lesion development in experimental mice.
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 235(5):633-41.
Zhang W-J
Wei H
Frei B
. 2010.
The iron chelator, desferrioxamine, reduces inflammation and atherosclerotic lesion development in experimental mice.
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 235(5):633-41.
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