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Protein Binding
Traber MG.  2005.  Vitamin E regulation.. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 21(2):223-7.
Protein Conformation
Traber MG.  2005.  Vitamin E regulation.. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 21(2):223-7.
Protein Kinase C
Traber MG, Atkinson J.  2007.  Vitamin E, antioxidant and nothing more.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(1):4-15.
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2011.  Vitamins C and E: beneficial effects from a mechanistic perspective.. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(5):1000-13.
Mustacich DJ, Bruno RS, Traber MG.  2007.  Vitamin E.. Vitam Horm. 76:1-21.
Tennant KG, Leonard SW, Wong CP, Iwaniec UT, Turner RT, Traber MG.  2017.  High-Dietary Alpha-Tocopherol or Mixed Tocotrienols Have No Effect on Bone Mass, Density, or Turnover in Male Rats During Skeletal Maturation.. J Med Food. 20(7):700-708.
Mustacich DJ, Leonard SW, Patel NK, Traber MG.  2010.  Alpha-tocopherol beta-oxidation localized to rat liver mitochondria.. Free Radic Biol Med. 48(1):73-81.
Mustacich DJ, Vo AT, Elias VD, Payne K, Sullivan L, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2007.  Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
Leonard SW, Gumpricht E, Devereaux MW, Sokol RJ, Traber MG.  2005.  Quantitation of rat liver vitamin E metabolites by LC-MS during high-dose vitamin E administration.. J Lipid Res. 46(5):1068-75.
Farley SM, Leonard SW, Taylor AW, Birringer M, Edson KZ, Rettie AE, Traber MG.  2013.  ω-Hydroxylation of phylloquinone by CYP4F2 is not increased by α-tocopherol.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 57(10):1785-93.
Mustacich DJ, Leonard SW, Devereaux MW, Sokol RJ, Traber MG.  2006.  Alpha-tocopherol regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450s and ABC transporters in rats.. Free Radic Biol Med. 41(7):1069-78.
Traber MG, Labut EM, Leonard SW, Lebold KM.  2011.  α-Tocopherol injections in rats up-regulate hepatic ABC transporters, but not cytochrome P450 enzymes.. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(11):2031-40.
Iwaniec UT, Turner RT, Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Rust A, Zhang B, Vasu VT, Gohil K, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2013.  Evaluation of long-term vitamin E insufficiency or excess on bone mass, density, and microarchitecture in rodents.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1209-1214.
