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Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid
Jurka J, Zietkiewicz E, Labuda D.  1995.  Ubiquitous mammalian-wide interspersed repeats (MIRs) are molecular fossils from the mesozoic era.. Nucleic Acids Res. 23(1):170-5.
Jurka J, Kaplan DJ, Duncan CH, Walichiewicz J, Milosavljević A, Murali G, Solus JF.  1993.  Identification and characterization of new human medium reiteration frequency repeats.. Nucleic Acids Res. 21(5):1273-9.
Jurka J, Pethiyagoda C.  1995.  Simple repetitive DNA sequences from primates: compilation and analysis.. J Mol Evol. 40(2):120-6.
Jurka J.  1993.  A new subfamily of recently retroposed human Alu repeats.. Nucleic Acids Res. 21(9):2252.
Zuckerkandl E.  1992.  Revisiting junk DNA.. J Mol Evol. 34(3):259-71.
Jurka J, Walichiewicz J, Milosavljević A.  1992.  Prototypic sequences for human repetitive DNA.. J Mol Evol. 35(4):286-91.
Jurka J, Klonowski P, Dagman V, Pelton P.  1996.  CENSOR--a program for identification and elimination of repetitive elements from DNA sequences.. Comput Chem. 20(1):119-21.
Milosavljević A, Jurka J.  1993.  Discovering simple DNA sequences by the algorithmic significance method.. Comput Appl Biosci. 9(4):407-11.
Kapitonov V, Jurka J.  1996.  The age of Alu subfamilies.. J Mol Evol. 42(1):59-65.
Tóth G, Jurka J.  1994.  Repetitive DNA in and around translocation breakpoints of the Philadelphia chromosome.. Gene. 140(2):285-8.
Jurka J, Zuckerkandl E.  1991.  Free left arms as precursor molecules in the evolution of Alu sequences.. J Mol Evol. 33(1):49-56.
Regenerative Medicine
Chen S, Liu B, Carlson MA, Gombart AF, Reilly DA, Xie J.  2017.  Recent advances in electrospun nanofibers for wound healing.. Nanomedicine (Lond). 12(11):1335-1352.
Chen S, Liu B, Carlson MA, Gombart AF, Reilly DA, Xie J.  2017.  Recent advances in electrospun nanofibers for wound healing.. Nanomedicine (Lond). 12(11):1335-1352.
