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Myzak MC, Hardin K, Wang R, Dashwood RH, Ho E.  2006.  Sulforaphane inhibits histone deacetylase activity in BPH-1, LnCaP and PC-3 prostate epithelial cells.. Carcinogenesis. 27(4):811-9.
Myzak MC, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Chemoprotection by sulforaphane: keep one eye beyond Keap1.. Cancer Lett. 233(2):208-18.
Myzak MC, W Dashwood M, Orner GA, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Sulforaphane inhibits histone deacetylase in vivo and suppresses tumorigenesis in Apc-minus mice.. FASEB J. 20(3):506-8.
Myzak MC, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Histone deacetylases as targets for dietary cancer preventive agents: lessons learned with butyrate, diallyl disulfide, and sulforaphane.. Curr Drug Targets. 7(4):443-52.
Myzak MC, W Dashwood M, Orner GA, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Sulforaphane inhibits histone deacetylase in vivo and suppresses tumorigenesis in Apc-minus mice.. FASEB J. 20(3):506-8.
Myzak MC, P Karplus A, Chung F-L, Dashwood RH.  2004.  A novel mechanism of chemoprotection by sulforaphane: inhibition of histone deacetylase.. Cancer Res. 64(16):5767-74.
Myzak MC, W Dashwood M, Orner GA, Ho E, Dashwood RH.  2006.  Sulforaphane inhibits histone deacetylase in vivo and suppresses tumorigenesis in Apc-minus mice.. FASEB J. 20(3):506-8.
Myzak MC, Tong P, Dashwood W-M, Dashwood RH, Ho E.  2007.  Sulforaphane retards the growth of human PC-3 xenografts and inhibits HDAC activity in human subjects.. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 232(2):227-34.
Mustacich DJ, Leonard SW, Patel NK, Traber MG.  2010.  Alpha-tocopherol beta-oxidation localized to rat liver mitochondria.. Free Radic Biol Med. 48(1):73-81.
Mustacich DJ, Leonard SW, Devereaux MW, Sokol RJ, Traber MG.  2006.  Alpha-tocopherol regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450s and ABC transporters in rats.. Free Radic Biol Med. 41(7):1069-78.
Mustacich DJ, Vo AT, Elias VD, Payne K, Sullivan L, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2007.  Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
Mustacich DJ, Vo AT, Elias VD, Payne K, Sullivan L, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2007.  Regulatory mechanisms to control tissue alpha-tocopherol.. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(4):610-8.
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Miranda CL, Elias VD, Hay JJ, Choi J, Reed RL, Stevens JF.  2016.  Xanthohumol improves dysfunctional glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 599:22-30.
Miranda CL, Reed RL, Kuiper HC, Alber S, Stevens JF.  2009.  Ascorbic acid promotes detoxification and elimination of 4-hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal in human monocytic THP-1 cells.. Chem Res Toxicol. 22(5):863-74.
Matsumoto S, Traber MG, Leonard SW, Choi J, Fang X, Maishan M, Wick KD, Jones KD, Calfee CS, Gotts JE et al..  2022.  Aerosolized vitamin E acetate causes oxidative injury in mice and in alveolar macrophages.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 322(6):L771-L783.
Matsumoto S, Traber MG, Leonard SW, Choi J, Fang X, Maishan M, Wick KD, Jones KD, Calfee CS, Gotts JE et al..  2022.  Aerosolized vitamin E acetate causes oxidative injury in mice and in alveolar macrophages.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 322(6):L771-L783.
Mah E, Pei R, Guo Y, Ballard KD, Barker T, Rogers VE, Parker BA, Taylor AW, Traber MG, Volek JS et al..  2013.  γ-Tocopherol-rich supplementation additively improves vascular endothelial function during smoking cessation.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1291-1299.
Mah E, Sapper TN, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Schill KE, Clinton SK, Bobe G, Traber MG, Bruno RS.  2015.  α-Tocopherol bioavailability is lower in adults with metabolic syndrome regardless of dairy fat co-ingestion: a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial.. Am J Clin Nutr. 102(5):1070-80.
Mah E, Pei R, Guo Y, Ballard KD, Barker T, Rogers VE, Parker BA, Taylor AW, Traber MG, Volek JS et al..  2013.  γ-Tocopherol-rich supplementation additively improves vascular endothelial function during smoking cessation.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1291-1299.
Mah E, Sapper TN, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Schill KE, Clinton SK, Bobe G, Traber MG, Bruno RS.  2015.  α-Tocopherol bioavailability is lower in adults with metabolic syndrome regardless of dairy fat co-ingestion: a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial.. Am J Clin Nutr. 102(5):1070-80.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
