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Oxidative Stress
Smith AR, Visioli F, Hagen TM.  2002.  Vitamin C matters: increased oxidative stress in cultured human aortic endothelial cells without supplemental ascorbic acid.. FASEB J. 16(9):1102-4.
Depner CM, Torres-Gonzalez M, Tripathy S, Milne G, Jump DB.  2012.  Menhaden oil decreases high-fat diet-induced markers of hepatic damage, steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in obese Ldlr-/- mice.. J Nutr. 142(8):1495-503.
Bella DL, Schock BC, Lim Y, Leonard SW, Berry C, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2006.  Regulation of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in mice: lack of response to dietary vitamin E or oxidative stress.. Lipids. 41(2):105-12.
Mastaloudis A, Leonard SW, Traber MG.  2001.  Oxidative stress in athletes during extreme endurance exercise.. Free Radic Biol Med. 31(7):911-22.
Kuiper HC, Bruno RS, Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2011.  Vitamin C supplementation lowers urinary levels of 4-hydroperoxy-2-nonenal metabolites in humans.. Free Radic Biol Med. 50(7):848-53.
Li L, Frei B.  2009.  Prolonged exposure to LPS increases iron, heme, and p22phox levels and NADPH oxidase activity in human aortic endothelial cells: inhibition by desferrioxamine.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 29(5):732-8.
Hilton JB, Mercer SW, Lim NKH, Faux NG, Buncic G, Beckman JS, Roberts BR, Donnelly PS, White AR, Crouch PJ.  2017.  Cu(atsm) improves the neurological phenotype and survival of SOD1 mice and selectively increases enzymatically active SOD1 in the spinal cord.. Sci Rep. 7:42292.
Zhu B-Z, Carr AC, Frei B.  2002.  Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate is a potent antioxidant against hypochlorous acid-induced protein damage.. FEBS Lett. 532(1-2):80-4.
Ho E.  2004.  Zinc deficiency, DNA damage and cancer risk.. J Nutr Biochem. 15(10):572-8.
Sharma P, Wong CP, Ho E, Sampath H.  2024.  Catalytic activity of OGG1 is impaired by Zinc deficiency.. DNA Repair (Amst). 134:103628.
Bruno RS, Leonard SW, Atkinson J, Montine TJ, Ramakrishnan R, Bray TM, Traber MG.  2006.  Faster plasma vitamin E disappearance in smokers is normalized by vitamin C supplementation.. Free Radic Biol Med. 40(4):689-97.
Mah E, Pei R, Guo Y, Masterjohn C, Ballard KD, Taylor BA, Taylor AW, Traber MG, Volek JS, Bruno RS.  2015.  Greater γ-tocopherol status during acute smoking abstinence with nicotine replacement therapy improved vascular endothelial function by decreasing 8-iso-15(S)-prostaglandin F2α.. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 240(4):527-33.
McDougall M, Choi J, Truong L, Tanguay R, Traber MG.  2017.  Vitamin E deficiency during embryogenesis in zebrafish causes lasting metabolic and cognitive impairments despite refeeding adequate diets.. Free Radic Biol Med. 110:250-260.
Ho E, Wong CP, King JC.  2022.  Impact of zinc on DNA integrity and age-related inflammation.. Free Radic Biol Med. 178:391-397.
Smith AR, Shenvi SV, Widlansky M, Suh JH, Hagen TM.  2004.  Lipoic acid as a potential therapy for chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress.. Curr Med Chem. 11(9):1135-46.
Jump DB, Tripathy S, Depner CM.  2013.  Fatty acid-regulated transcription factors in the liver.. Annu Rev Nutr. 33:249-69.
Joshi AD, Carter DE, Harper TA, Elferink CJ.  2015.  Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent stanniocalcin 2 induction by cinnabarinic acid provides cytoprotection against endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 353(1):201-12.
Iwaniec UT, Turner RT, Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Rust A, Zhang B, Vasu VT, Gohil K, Cross CE, Traber MG.  2013.  Evaluation of long-term vitamin E insufficiency or excess on bone mass, density, and microarchitecture in rodents.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1209-1214.
Sowell J, Frei B, Stevens JF.  2004.  Vitamin C conjugates of genotoxic lipid peroxidation products: structural characterization and detection in human plasma.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101(52):17964-9.
Mah E, Sapper TN, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Schill KE, Clinton SK, Bobe G, Traber MG, Bruno RS.  2015.  α-Tocopherol bioavailability is lower in adults with metabolic syndrome regardless of dairy fat co-ingestion: a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial.. Am J Clin Nutr. 102(5):1070-80.
Gómez LA, Hagen TM.  2012.  Age-related decline in mitochondrial bioenergetics: does supercomplex destabilization determine lower oxidative capacity and higher superoxide production? Semin Cell Dev Biol. 23(7):758-67.
Kuiper HC, Langsdorf BL, Miranda CL, Joss J, Jubert C, Mata JE, Stevens JF.  2010.  Quantitation of mercapturic acid conjugates of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and 4-oxo-2-nonenal metabolites in a smoking cessation study.. Free Radic Biol Med. 48(1):65-72.
Suh JH, Heath S-H, Hagen TM.  2003.  Two subpopulations of mitochondria in the aging rat heart display heterogenous levels of oxidative stress.. Free Radic Biol Med. 35(9):1064-72.
Frei B, McCall MR.  2001.  Antioxidant vitamins: evidence from biomarkers in humans.. Bibl Nutr Dieta. (55):46-67.
Kuiper HC, Miranda CL, Sowell JD, Stevens JF.  2008.  Mercapturic acid conjugates of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and 4-oxo-2-nonenal metabolites are in vivo markers of oxidative stress.. J Biol Chem. 283(25):17131-8.
