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Campbell Y, Fantacone ML, Gombart AF.  2012.  Regulation of antimicrobial peptide gene expression by nutrients and by-products of microbial metabolism.. Eur J Nutr. 51(8):899-907.
Campbell Y, Fantacone ML, Gombart AF.  2012.  Regulation of antimicrobial peptide gene expression by nutrients and by-products of microbial metabolism.. Eur J Nutr. 51(8):899-907.
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Orner GA, Dashwood W-M, Blum CA, G Díaz D, Li Q, Al-Fageeh M, Tebbutt N, Heath JK, Ernst M, Dashwood RH.  2002.  Response of Apc(min) and A33 (delta N beta-cat) mutant mice to treatment with tea, sulindac, and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP).. Mutat Res. 506-507:121-7.
Orner GA, Dashwood W-M, Blum CA, G Díaz D, Li Q, Al-Fageeh M, Tebbutt N, Heath JK, Ernst M, Dashwood RH.  2002.  Response of Apc(min) and A33 (delta N beta-cat) mutant mice to treatment with tea, sulindac, and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP).. Mutat Res. 506-507:121-7.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
Maciel-Barón LÁngel, Morales-Rosales SLizbeth, Silva-Palacios A, Rodríguez-Barrera RHaydee, García-Álvarez JAntonio, Luna-López A, Pérez VIsabel, Torres C, Königsberg M.  2018.  The secretory phenotype of senescent astrocytes isolated from Wistar newborn rats changes with anti-inflammatory drugs, but does not have a short-term effect on neuronal mitochondrial potential.. Biogerontology. 19(5):415-433.
Li Q, Dixon BM, Al-Fageeh M, Blum CA, Dashwood RH.  2002.  Sequencing of the rat beta-catenin gene (Ctnnb1) and mutational analysis of liver tumors induced by 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline.. Gene. 283(1-2):255-62.
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