Found 796 results
Author Keyword Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Rajendran P, Ho E, Williams DE, Dashwood RH.  2011.  Dietary phytochemicals, HDAC inhibition, and DNA damage/repair defects in cancer cells.. Clin Epigenetics. 3(1):4.
Jamieson PE, Carbonero F, Stevens JF.  2023.  Dietary (poly)phenols mitigate inflammatory bowel disease: Therapeutic targets, mechanisms of action, and clinical observations.. Curr Res Food Sci. 6:100521.
Lee Y, Drake AC, Thomas NO, Ferguson LG, Chappell PE, Shay KPetersen.  2018.  Dietary resveratrol increases mid-life fecundity of female Nothobranchius guentheri.. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 208:71-76.
Suh JH, Moreau R, Heath S-HD, Hagen TM.  2005.  Dietary supplementation with (R)-alpha-lipoic acid reverses the age-related accumulation of iron and depletion of antioxidants in the rat cerebral cortex.. Redox Rep. 10(1):52-60.
Song Y, Chung CS, Bruno RS, Traber MG, Brown KH, King JC, Ho E.  2009.  Dietary zinc restriction and repletion affects DNA integrity in healthy men.. Am J Clin Nutr. 90(2):321-8.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G.  1975.  Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.. Biochem Pharmacol. 24(17):1639-41.
Yang W, Zhang L, Xiao D, Feng R, Wang W, Pan S, Zhao Y, Zhao L, Frenking G, Wang X.  2020.  A diradical based on odd-electron σ-bonds.. Nat Commun. 11(1):3441.
