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Legette LC, Karnpracha C, Reed RL, Choi J, Bobe G, J Christensen M, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Purnell JQ, Stevens JF.  2014.  Human pharmacokinetics of xanthohumol, an antihyperglycemic flavonoid from hops.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 58(2):248-55.
Lela L, Ponticelli M, Carlucci V, Stevens JF, Faraone I, Tzvetkov NT, Milella L.  2024.  Insight into the Interaction of L. Specialized Metabolites and Gastrointestinal Bitter Taste Receptors: Study in STC-1 Cells and Molecular Docking.. J Nat Prod. 87(8):2021-2033.
Kirkwood JS, Maier C, Stevens JF.  2013.  Simultaneous, untargeted metabolic profiling of polar and nonpolar metabolites by LC-Q-TOF mass spectrometry.. Curr Protoc Toxicol. Chapter 4:Unit4.39.
Yang L, Broderick D, Campbell Y, Gombart AF, Stevens JF, Jiang Y, Hsu VL, Bisson WH, Maier CS.  2016.  Conformational modulation of the farnesoid X receptor by prenylflavonoids: Insights from hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), fluorescence titration and molecular docking studies.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1864(12):1667-1677.
Logan IE, Shulzhenko N, Sharpton TJ, Bobe G, Liu K, Nuss S, Jones ML, Miranda CL, Vasquez-Perez S, Pennington JM et al..  2021.  Xanthohumol Requires the Intestinal Microbiota to Improve Glucose Metabolism in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.. Mol Nutr Food Res. 65(21):e2100389.
Kesinger NG, Stevens JF.  2009.  Covalent interaction of ascorbic acid with natural products.. Phytochemistry. 70(17-18):1930-9.
Stevens JF, Page JE.  2004.  Xanthohumol and related prenylflavonoids from hops and beer: to your good health!. Phytochemistry. 65(10):1317-30.
Legette LCL, Luna AYMoreno, Reed RL, Miranda CL, Bobe G, Proteau RR, Stevens JF.  2013.  Xanthohumol lowers body weight and fasting plasma glucose in obese male Zucker fa/fa rats.. Phytochemistry. 91:236-41.
Langley BO, Ryan JJoan, Phipps J, Buttolph L, Bray B, Aslan JE, Metz TO, Stevens JF, Bradley R.  2022.  Xanthohumol microbiome and signature in adults with Crohn's disease (the XMaS trial): a protocol for a phase II triple-masked, placebo-controlled clinical trial.. Trials. 23(1):885.
Miranda CL, Elias VD, Hay JJ, Choi J, Reed RL, Stevens JF.  2016.  Xanthohumol improves dysfunctional glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice.. Arch Biochem Biophys. 599:22-30.
Kirkwood JS, Legette LCL, Miranda CL, Jiang Y, Stevens JF.  2013.  A metabolomics-driven elucidation of the anti-obesity mechanisms of xanthohumol.. J Biol Chem. 288(26):19000-13.
Free Radicals
Traber MG, Stevens JF.  2011.  Vitamins C and E: beneficial effects from a mechanistic perspective.. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(5):1000-13.
Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic
Gray NE, Morré J, Kelley J, Maier CS, Stevens JF, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.  2014.  Caffeoylquinic acids in Centella asiatica protect against amyloid-β toxicity.. J Alzheimers Dis. 40(2):359-73.
