The staff of the Healthy Youth Program truly enjoyed working with all the participating children in our inaugural cooking classes in the fall of 2012. We served 45 children and were able to award 13 full scholarships.
It is our goal to use seasonal produce, whole grains, and low-fat and low-sugar ingredients in all our recipes. Most of our recipes are our own creation or adapted from other sources to meet our nutritional standards. In each cooking class we teach a specific health and nutrition related topic and provide age appropriate handouts.
Parent surveys provided the following information:
Question #1: Did your child enjoy the class?
100% responded yes
Question #2: What do you think about the length of the class?
100% responded just about right
Question #3: Do you think your child learned some basic cooking skills?
Question #4: Do you think that your child will want to help you cook, or cook independently, as a result of participating in Fresh Grown Cooking for Kids?
100% responded yes
Question #5: Do you think that your child is more interested in eating fruits and vegetables after participating in Fresh Grown Cooking for Kids?