Session 1: Junior Master Chefs: Continental Cuisine
Take a culinary world tour – in this week of camp we’ll be cooking delicious food from all over the world—getting a "taste" of each continent! Each day will focus on the cuisine and culture of a different global region. Explore new foods and earn prizes with a daily "Adventurous Tastes." Students will end the week with a Continental Cooking Competition. Learn to make healthier choices for yourself and the planet with fun nutrition activities and games.
July 23 – 27, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm (Check in starts at 8:45)
Ages 8-11, Held at Linus Pauling Middle School
Price: $199
Register HERE
Scholarship info HERE
Session 2: Junior Master Chefs: Mystery Box
Test your creativity in this camp that builds on basic cooking knowledge and delves into new culinary techniques, with more ingredients and new and different recipes. Each day will feature a mystery ingredient and a mini cooking competition. Learn to make to make healthier choices for yourself and the planet with fun nutrition activities and games.
July 30 – August 3, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm (Check in starts at 8:45)
Ages 8-11, Held at Linus Pauling Middle School
Price: $199
Register HERE
Scholarship info HERE