What is the Top 10 Project?

The goal of the Top 10 Project is to provide straightforward information about the nutrients that people need. This project connects new handouts, videos, and brochures with existing resources available on the Micronutrient Information Center.

The foundation of the Top 10 is the vitamins and minerals commonly under-consumed in the U.S. diet. Additionally, we emphasize vitamins and minerals that require much more attention as we get older, starting at age 50.


The Top 10 brochure has two versions: one for a general audience and one for health professionals. Both outline the micronutrients on the list, special tips, and approaches to getting more of these vitamins and minerals, while the health professional version contains more in-depth information. 

General Brochure
Please note: this document is not formatted for print, but for reading online.

Health Professional Brochure
Please note: this document is not formatted for print, although it will fit on a standard 8.5" x 11" page.




Aging Well: Top 10 Micronutrients for Optimal Health Webinar

As a preview to the Top 10 project, we suggest you watch Aging Well: Top 10 Micronutrients for Optimal Health, a webinar produced by the Linus Pauling Institute and featuring nutrition experts from our faculty.